The Beauty of the Body

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Ever since I can remember, I have felt the weight of my life-- of knowing that I am a part of something bigger than myself.

It wasn't until my early twenties I realized that this "something bigger" was actually God's redemptive plan for all creation.

I can imagine that, to many of us, hearing that feels heavy. We look around at the broken pieces of our world—the wounded people and planet—and it all feels overwhelming. How could God possibly use us to redeem all of this?

The Beauty of the Body

1 Corinthians 12:27 reads, "Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it" (NIV). God invites each of us to give ourselves to Jesus and become a part of His body. He created us with the intention that we would work together to build His Kingdom and share His grace.In that mission, each one of us has an important role to play, but we cannot operate alone. In verse 12, Paul writes, "Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ" (NIV). Each part of the human body has a unique function, but it cannot make the body thrive on its own. The body of Christ is no different. Each one of our unique gifts makes up only one part of the body of Jesus and is intended to operate in harmony with others.

One God, One Mission

Knowing that we are a part of the body of Christ takes the pressure off of us-- the pressure to strive or to fill a role not intended for us. God created each one of us intentionally, and He invites us to work together to build His Kingdom. No one person or gift is more important than any other, nor does any person or gift carry the weight of, or the ability to, successfully complete this mission alone. In verse 6, Paul explains, "There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work" (NIV).

Ultimately, it is God who will restore His creation, yet He graciously invites us to be a part of His plan. Together, with the power of the Holy Spirit, we will see His Kingdom come, and we don't have to labor alone.Continued Encouragement

Did you enjoy “The Beauty of the Body"? Find more encouragement from Kalin here!Want more? Check out The Daughter of Delight Podcast here

Author of, “The Beauty of the Body"Kalin Pike

Kalin is a 28-year-old, multi-passionate follower of Jesus who deeply desires to see her generation fully embrace its God-gifted freedom. A marketing coordinator by day and a writer and coach by night, she finds joy in using her gift for words to encourage others in their faith through the ups and downs of life.
Living in coastal Virginia, Kalin is a new wife to her husband, Ian, and a dog mom to their sweet Shollie pup, Luna. When she is not working or spending time settling into her new home, Kalin loves visiting local coffee shops, having deep chats with her friends and family, and snuggling up with a warm beverage to watch her favorite shows.
You can connect with Kalin on Instagram here and check out her newest writing here!
Cheri and her husband, Chad, live in Texas with their eight children, two of whom are biological, and six are adopted internationally. In her free time, Cheri enjoys coffee with a friend and taking long walks with her main man.
You can find her on Instagram here and join the She Yearns Community here.



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