The Supreme Purpose of Marriage

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"Marriage is a metaphor for Christ and the church. As a husband sacrificially loves his wife, so Christ sacrificially loves the Church. As the wife willingly submits to her husband's leadership, so the Church submits to Christ. Here is the supreme purpose of marriage" (Chad Graham).

The Supreme Purpose of Marriage

"The supreme purpose of marriage." That's a tall order! This quote is an excerpt from the sermon preached at mine and my husband's wedding, and it has been the foundation for our marriage ever since. Scriptures supporting this metaphor can be found in Ephesians 5:22-33, 1 Peter 3:1-7, Colossians 3:17-19, Revelation 19:7, 2 Corinthians 11:2 and Matthew 9:14-15.

Is that the way you view the purpose of marriage? It certainly isn't how society presents it. I saw a post online recently which encouraged women not to feel guilty if they walked away from a marriage if it no longer served them. To be explicitly clear, the author wasn't referring to abuse, or other foul mistreatment. The writer was simply saying, if your husband no longer sparks joy, "Marie Kondo" him.

If marriage is indeed a metaphor of the relationship between Christ and the Church, aren't we grateful that this is not how He treats His bride when she doesn't bring Him joy? The covenant of marriage, by God's good design, is so much greater than we tend to regard it!

Reject Society, Pursue Christ

When choosing a spouse, society says to choose someone who will make us happy. The crowning achievement is a man who will provide for us, sweep us off our feet, and support us in our dreams. None of those are bad things, but they're not biblical standards for a successful, God honoring marriage. Rather than considering what a husband can do for you, you must consider what you and a husband can do for God!

My dear sister in Christ, as you consider marriage (your own, or future) I implore you to reject society's lower-than-dirt standard that is based on whim and selfish ambitions, and pursue marriage as it was intended by its Creator, with sacrifice and servitude as it's cornerstones!

Continued Encouragement

Did you enjoy today's Daily Delight, "The Supreme Purpose of Marriage"? Find more encouragement from Johanna here!Want more? Check out The Daughter of Delight Podcast here

Author of, “The Supreme Purpose of Marriage”Johanna Duguid

Johanna is a gal in her early 30s and is passionate about all things Bible, baking and budgeting! She married her husband Josh in September of 2014 and their only child is a fuzzy, four-legged Australian Labradoodle named Mac.
Josh and Johanna were involved with planting their current church back in 2017, serving in the roles of Music Ministry director (Josh) and Children’s Ministry director (Johanna). They now both serve in all areas of music, tech and IT support while also being joint Small Group leaders.
In her free time, Johanna enjoys baking, crafting, and organizing (and reorganizing) the books on her bookshelf.
You can find her on Instagram here.

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