End of Year Survey

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2020 End of Year Survey:

Please rate this year on a scale of 1/10 (10 being would recommend to a friend):

Choose an emoji for how you feel about Zoom right now: 

Attach a meme that encapsulates 2020 for you:

Would you like to leave a tip for 2020? 

What is your 2021 new year’s resolution(s)?

Additional comments: I’d like to lodge a formal complaint about new year’s resolutions. Mostly because I never do them, but also because I know one I should do, but it’s hard.

And I’m not talking about running a marathon, saving up enough money for a house, or hustling for a husband type hard, I’m talking do-I-want-Jesus-more-than-anything-else-on-earth hard.

What 2020 Showed Me

2020 has shown life is fragile and unpredictable. It’s made me reflect and ask some tough questions:

+ How has my relationship with God been affected by my biggest challenges and blessings this year?

+ Where, what, and with whom am I anchoring my hope in?

+ What do I do if the things I want in this life are taken away, change, or are unattainable?

To Be Honest

To be honest, in 2021 I want the book deal, the international trips, the 6’3 and over witty husband.

To be honest, I wouldn’t say I want Jesus more than all that.

But to be honest, a year like this has to make us think differently. It has to challenge us to look to Jesus more than anything else.

Jesus Doesn't Change

The things and people of this earth leave us, upset us, disappoint us. But Jesus doesn’t change. He helps, not hurts. He unifies, not divides. He inspires, not shames. He loves, not hates.

Jesus is our immovable, reliable anchor in a tumultuous, unreliable world.

“Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you.” -Psalm 73:25 (NIV)

Do I want Jesus more than anything? Do I want to cut ties with my earthly desires so I can trade it all in for Jesus?

2021 Beginning of Year Survey:

Tomorrow is a new year, what will you want more than anything?


Did you enjoy "End of Year Survey"? Find more encouragement from Meghan here!Want more? Check out part three of our special Advent podcast series, How to Put on the New Self, here

Author of "End of Year Survey"Meghan Mellinger

Meghan works with college students by day and writes meaningful/silly stuff by night. Her goal is to use her unique voice to share God’s truth in a relevant and real way to our generation of young adult women.
Meghan lives amongst the cacti and mountains of Phoenix, Arizona. “Wanderlust” should be her middle name as she spends her free time traveling and exploring God’s creation, chasing joy-giving moments with friends, laughing loudly, and buying yet another pillow she doesn’t actually need for her apartment.



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