There is Hope

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John 11 is my favorite story in the Bible: the raising of Lazarus. Lazarus of Bethany, the brother of Mary & Martha, fell ill. Jesus knew what would happen: death. But, He made it very clear that this death would not be final. God would have the last say in this.

The Story of Lazarus

When Jesus arrived, Lazarus had been dead four days; the sisters were distraught. In fact, upon seeing Jesus, Mary fell to the ground, deeply grieved, saying, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died” (John 11:32, ESV). My heart breaks when she says this, because oh, how I know that sentiment; that feeling of if God were here, this horrible thing wouldn’t have happened. Death, loss, miscarriage, brokenness, diagnoses…impossible situations.

Jesus Knew

Jesus knew what He was there to do: show the power of God. He revealed this to each person but did not discount the grief they were experiencing. Someone so dear to them had died, and Jesus, being fully man and fully God, understood the sorrow associated with loss. Although Jesus came to do the impossible, there is still deep sorrow in sin.

Jesus weeps with Mary, anyway. He sits with her in her immense grief. He feels it too, the weight of sin in this world. With sin, death entered. It was never meant to be this way, and Jesus felt that. That’s why He was there- to fulfill what we cannot. To defeat death in a way we never could, but desperately needed.

There is Hope

With Jesus is resurrection, restoration, reconciliation. In Him lies pure, unbridled hope. Sis, Jesus came to us to fulfill what God had spoken since the beginning: redemption.

Sometimes, the trials, tribulations, and impossible situations are essential. In the dire affairs are where God shows His power. He makes seemingly impossible situations possible. Even in the finality of death, He brought forth eternal life. Death was defeated, and we were given salvation in Jesus.

There is hope, redemption, and a deeper knowledge of Christ amidst the terrible unknown. And that is worth every bit of suffering on this side of heaven.


Did you enjoy, "There is Hope"? Find more encouragement from Cynthia here!Want more? Check out this week's episode of the podcast, How to Put on the New Self, here

Author of, "There is Hope"Cynthia Johnson

Cynthia is a 23-year-old artist and writer living in Southern California. She has a heart for Jesus and sharing the same encouragement and hope with others that she has received from Him. In her spare time, she loves to roller skate, read, and spend time with her loved ones. You can find her on Instagram here, and catch up with her on her blog here

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