To Whom Do You Pay Homage?
In medieval times, homage was more than just a word to express reverence and adoration. It was a ceremony. Two parties would participate in this public ceremony, a vassal and a lord. A vassal would declare their reverence and service to the king or lord. In return, the lord or king would promise protection and provision to the vassal.
Recently, in my study of Matthew, I came across the familiar passage of the wise men expressing their homage to the Christ-child. They ask King Herod, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star at its rising and have come to worship him” (Matt 2:2, CSB). Did you know the word worship has also been translated as homage? How peculiar that these grown men would travel for two years to pledge their service and reverence to a child! And in return, seek protection and provision from this same child.
What a lesson to learn from these men of the Orient. As I meditate on this example of homage, I have been asking myself, have I been keeping my homage oath to Christ? Am I willingly submitting my life to the service of my Savior King, or am I fighting against His commands for my life?
Often I struggle to submit to the calling of my King with the same enthusiasm each day. When all the days seem the same, facing each day with the same zeal and purpose feels overwhelming. No matter my feelings, my Lord requires that I do my work with all my heart as something done for Him and not others. (Col 3:23) Praise God, He also strengthens me by the Holy Spirit to accomplish what He has set before me! (Isaiah 41:9-10)
As I ponder the example of homage in Matthew 2, I can’t leave this passage without examining if I trust my King to fulfill His part of the homage ceremony. Am I fully trusting God’s protection and provision for my life? Why would I not trust my God who is “mighty to save” for His protection (Zeph 3:17)? Even as He clothes the lilies of the field (Matt 6:30), He surely will provide for me, His daughter.
Dear sister, may we find strength in His Word and be faithful in fulfilling our homage to our King!
Meet the Author
JoAnna Baird
JoAnna, her husband of 3 years, Daniel, and their one year old daughter reside in Greenville, SC. Her days are filled with the joyful mundane tasks of being a homemaker and mother. She is passionate about pointing others to Jesus through the truths and promises found in His Word.
When time allows, JoAnna dabbles in her hobbies of sewing, baking, thrifting, and gardening. Her ideal day would begin with coffee followed by spending time with family building lifelong memories.