When God’s Goodness Does Not Align with Our Own

A  young woman with curly hair is pictured, along with the text of Romans 8:28.

There are things in my life that don’t look good. How about you? Those things we hide…things we would do anything to fix.

If something is good, it should be easy and lovely, right? But what if God’s definition of good is different than ours?

Romans 8:28-29 tells us “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers” (ESV).

The beautiful truth about the painful things that unfold in this life is that God can use them to conform us to Jesus’ image. And He calls it good.

I have felt ashamed of my story. Sexual abuse, divorce, miscarriage, depression… Sometimes I ponder a simpler life- one without the entanglements and mess of pain.

But what if this is the good life? What if God is writing this story, this life, because it is good? Because it is conforming me to His image?

How about you, sis? Could the life you’re living, with all the struggle, be a good life?

What if, by radically accepting the story He’s writing in our life, we embraced the good?

Think about it. 

Picture your best day yet. The one that turned out just right. Everything fell into place. The day you’d consider good. Now, make a mental list of the ways your relationship went deeper with God that day, and the lifelong lessons you’ve held close ever since. 

While you may have had some nice moments with God that day, it may not have been what changed you.

Now, consider your worst day yet. The day you wish never happened. The day whose pain still reverberates. Make a mental list of the ways your relationship went deeper with God that day, and the lifelong lessons you’ve held close ever since.

Which day, in light of Paul’s description in Romans, was good? Which day conformed you to the image of Jesus?

Mary of Bethany knew it. Jesus said she chose the good thing (Lk 10:42). And when her world fell apart, again she was at His feet (Jn 11).

Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her,” (Lk 10:42b) Jesus said. And it’s true for us.

What good thing in your life is conforming you to His image?

Meet the Author
Joni Boyd

Joni lives in Sydney, Australia with her three grown kids and husband of two years, Nathan.

After being divorced several years ago, Joni is grateful for the healing God has since done in her family and in herself. While she never expected to be divorced or remarried, this season is a precious gift from God and she is grateful for all of it.

Joni is passionate about encouraging women to go deeper with Jesus - so they would know that while life may not be as smooth as we’d like, Jesus is not afraid of the mess, nor does He lack the power to heal and transform.


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