Worship In The In-Between
Lifting my hands and praising God is sometimes the last thing I want to do. It’s hard when energy is fleeting, when I have a hundred things tugging at my attention, when my spirit is bone dry, or when I don’t feel the fullness of presence from the Spirit. Here, it takes all my brain power to focus on God. Yet -
He is still worthy.
He is still deserving.
Always, He is worthy.
Every day, every hour.
He is worthy.
I’m reminding myself as I write it here: we don’t have to wait until church to bring worship to God. In the in-between days, the trained, worshiping heart finds Him.
I am not perfect at worshiping. And I’m trying to remember the last time I worshiped outside of church. I’m not sure that singing while curling my hair quite counts, though I was enjoying His presence while lifting up truth. I remember my focus was definitely divided. This side of heaven I’ll forever be learning what it means to sing joyful songs and to center my heart on Him. Yet, I still feel His pleasure in the worship, that he loves the honest pursuit of my praise-brought offering despite how it sometimes feels unnatural. I find my heart in the true pursuit of worshiping when I recall that it isn’t about the feelings I get, it’s about bringing God His due praise. In His kindness and mercy He can meet me, and stir up inside me a closeness through worship. But worshiping is about God before it is about me.
“Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you.” -Psalm 63:3 (ESV)
Let us in the same spirit bring our worship throughout the week. Don’t wait, make it a habit to treasure Jesus regularly.
Psalm 100:4 teaches, “Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!” (ESV)