Build One Another Up

Amazingly, God has given each member of the body of Christ spiritual gifts to build up His Kingdom and to share them generously. (1 Corinthians 12)

Have you ever witnessed someone hesitant to use their spiritual gift? You want to lovingly shake them and say, “God, is trying to use you, can't you see it?” 

Sometimes we find ourselves shying away from our spiritual potential because of fear, lack of confidence, or inability to identify our spiritual gifts. It is frustrating to feel God stirring our hearts to act, but we can't seem to make that step, leaving us spiritually unfulfilled. When this happens, we need a spiritual gift advocate.

Hebrews 10:24-25 tells us, "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another" (NIV). 

As members of the body of Christ, we have the privilege of encouraging one another. It is a beautiful gift to be a spiritual gift advocate to spur another sweet sister to use their God-given talents to glorify the Lord!

I have three special sisters in Christ, whom I affectionately call my spiritual gift advocates. They shower me with love, truth, godly wisdom, encouragement, and support. 

Here are a few things I have learned when it comes to being a spiritual gift advocate:

1. Be observant, listen, and ask questions. Notice when a person has an interest or a special gift and bring it to their attention.

2. Uplift them with encouraging words and God's word.

3. Provide opportunities when they arise in a safe space. My friend Isabelle did this when she gave each woman in our lady's bible study a chance to teach a lesson in a non-judgmental environment.

4. Advocate by showing up to support them. My friend, Sonja, attended an all-weekend online event I had for single moms, and she's not even a single mom! Her support for my ministry meant the world to me.

5. Help them pursue their talents by connecting them with people with similar spiritual gifts to feed off one another.

When we choose to be spiritual gift advocates, we build one another up while building up the body of Christ. In doing so, we beautifully manifest the sentiment of Proverbs 27:17 by sharpening one another.


Chere Williams loves Jesus and is passionate about encouraging women to live on purpose and open their hearts to the big, beautiful life God has in store for them. She takes great joy in her blog and podcast, Faith, Coffee, & a Kid.

She has a heart for single moms and is the creator of the Single Moms of Faith, Burning Bright, Not Burning Out Conference. Chere enjoys life in Takoma Park, MD, with her amazing sixteen-year-old daughter, Anya, and their adorable Shorkie, Winter.

In her spare time, she loves international travel, hosting family and friends, catching a good movie, writing, volunteering, spontaneous road-tripping, and drinking a delicious cup of coffee!

You can learn more on Chere's Instagram here.


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