EP 15: The Will of God

What does the will of God look like for my life?” This is one of the most popular questions we wrestle with as Christians. With that in mind, today we are exploring both the hidden will of God and the revealed will of God. In addition, we are taking a look at 5 ways to help discern God’s will when it comes to decision making. Enjoy!

Daughter of Delight | Blogs for Women | Christian Women Inspiration | Christian Women's Ministry | Women's Devotional | Devotional for Women | Christian Quotes | Christian Podcast | Podcast for Christian Women | Bible Verse Graphics | Online Women's Ministry | Blogs for Christian Women Welcome

Hey sister! Welcome to episode 15 of the Daughter of Delight podcast. Wow- are we seriously on episode 15 already? Time flies! I hope you are loving this podcast as much as I am loving putting it together for you. It’s so nice to be able to have a space where we can discuss the truths of the Gospel more in depth with one another. Amen? 

Today's Topic: The Will of God

Understanding the will of God is our topic for this week, and I am pretty fired up about it. I used to view God’s will through a faulty lens, and you’ll learn what I mean by that in just a minute or two.But, as always, before we dive in I am going to share the review of the week with you! 

Review of the Week

This week’s review comes to us from Kawjsw and she says, “So thankful to have a biblically sound podcast that is rooted in Scripture! Refreshing to my soul!” Simple and oh so sweet. Thank you for your incredibly kind words Kawjsw! It is such a blessing to know that God is using this podcast to bless you and I am thankful you are a part of the Daughter of Delight community! Your support means so much, sister!If you have been tuning in to the podcast for a while now, you know I am not shy about asking you to rate and review it. This is because I am not shy about the truths of the Gospel and I pray that God would continue to use me to help make His name known in a world that so desperately needs His saving grace. So, if you haven’t yet left a review, would you? I truly believe God is using the reviews of the podcast to help reach more people and it would mean so much to me if you took a minute or two out of your day to help spread the word! AKA His word! Speaking of His Word, let’s talk about His will! 

The Will of God

Now, I don’t know about you, but I have personally struggled with discerning God’s will for my life- specifically when it comes to my career and relationship choices. Have you ever asked God to give you a really specific sign for something? This was me before I viewed God’s will through the lens of His Word! 

Example #1

Here’s an example for you. The university I attended had white swings all around campus. A ton of couples spent time on these swings, so the saying was “Three swings and a ring”. As a single college freshman, I was ready to find love. Whose not, though, am I right? I was excited to be entering a new chapter where I would have the opportunity to meet and get to know new people. As cheesy as this sounds and as much as it makes me cringe, I can remember asking God to make it abundantly clear who I was supposed to swing with. I asked God to show me this by giving me unique signs that would serve confirmation that I had found my swinging partner-  like serious eye contact from across the room or in passing, or sitting next to one another in class multiple times. 

Discerning the Will of God

Now, the best example I have of discerning God’s will really did take place in college, but it had nothing to do with boys. Moreso my career path.I started out as a nursing major and realized about halfway through my first semester that nursing was not for me. One morning, I woke up with knots in my stomach and my immediate thought was, “Nursing is not for me.” I just knew. I sat with this feeling for days before going to the career development center on campus for help, and those knots in my stomach stayed with me. It was hard for me to believe that nursing wasn’t for me for a few reasons. First of all, I had decided I would be a nurse back in 8th grade. It was something I felt so sure of- for years! And my parents were all for it. Second, the thought of telling my parents that I no longer wanted to pursue nursing terrified me. I was attending a very pricey private university for the sake of their nursing program. And third, I had no idea what else I would do! 

Seeking Wisdom

When I finally mustered the courage to go to the career development center, I met with one of the nicest women I have ever met! In fact, we became friends and I continued to visit her often after she invested the time to help me explore and clarify what it was I really wanted to do.Long story short, I ended up going to a youth ministry internship fair on campus during the time I was exploring different career choices and ended up interning with a local children’s ministry. While at church camp with this specific ministry that summer, I realized I wanted to help heal people, but not through nursing. Rather, I wanted to help heal people with the truths of God’s Word.It is honestly so wild to look back and see how my journey has unfolded since then. Realizing I wanted to pursue a degree in theology and a career in ministry brought with it so much peace, but also a ton of fear.

Perfect Peace

I knew my parents would not be on board with it--especially because of how much they were forking out for what should have been my nursing degree--and I did not want to let them down. I was also terrified I would be walking into a major with know-it-alls who prided themselves on knowing the Bible from front to back. The Bible department had just recently opened their doors to females, so I was already going to stick out like a sore thumb.But I still had peace. It was a peace that I could not put into words, and a peace that really made me believe I was making the best decision- even if it did feel like I had to pick between serving the Lord and serving my family's expectations of me.

God's Will is A Call to Honor and Glorify Him

This specific crossroad taught me that God’s will has more to do with pleasing and honoring Him in all things than it does with making the right choice. In this case, I knew what would honor Him most was the very thing that brought me the peace and assurance I couldn’t put into words- pursuing a career in ministry. This decision was also a sacrifice, though, because it did rock a boat with my family that was hard to navigate there for a while. Despite this, however, I have never regretted my decision, and I know I never will. As I look back at His fingerprint on my life, I am reminded of the truth that the Lord has always been by my side and 10,000 steps ahead. 

Don't Overthink It

I think it can be easy for us to overthink God’s will. And I think that’s because we can so easily fall into the trap of making sure we don’t let Him down...of not missing out on what His best is for us. We can get so caught up in what God’s will for us is that we face decision paralysis. It can feel like if we don’t figure out what God wants --- what the right choice is --- then we are going to be miserable. 

God's Will is Not a Scavenger Hunt

Here’s the thing though: God’s will is not a scavenger hunt! We are not meant to find ourselves at a standstill with every decision we make. God’s will for us is to, as Romans 12:2 says, “present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (ESV).

God's Will is Not About God's Favor

Sister, children of God do not have to work for God’s favor. We already have it as a result of our faith in Christ. We get to rest in God’s favor. To think that we have to work to earn His recognition completely contradicts the beauty of salvation and grace. Are you with me on this?

God's Hidden Will and God's Revealed Will

Here’s what I want to do for the rest of this episode. I want to talk about God’s hidden will and God’s revealed will. If you have never considered God’s will in this light, I am especially excited to dive in with you today!  Deuteronomy 29:29 tells us, The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law” (ESV). So there we have it- there are things that God does not want us to know and there are things that He does want us to know. We are going to talk about those secret and revealed things, and then I will share 5 helpful tips to help you understand God’s will when it comes to decision making. Because let’s be honest- we may only really desire to know God’s will when it comes to those big, life-altering decisions, like what college to attend, who to marry, what job to take, you name it, but God’s will for His children is in ALL things- big and small.

God’s Hidden Will

Let’s first address God’s hidden, or secret will. Isaiah 46:9-10 tells us, “I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose’” (ESV).As we take a few moments here to reflect on the hidden will of God, let us stand in awe of His sovereignty; of His rule and reign. What He has purposed will come to pass and not a single thing can halt or thwart it. In addition, nothing can surprise Him or happen outside of His will. And although we may not know every piece of the puzzling mystery of God’s will, we still have His guidance through His Word and His Spirit in us. Because of His Word, we don’t have to search the sky or aisle 15 of the grocery store for answers. Let’s be honest- God’s will is not a scavenger hunt. Nor is it based on ultimatums. So let’s not treat it like one or give Him any. 


When Michael and I both knew we wanted to be foster parents, we didn’t rush into things. Because, although we both wanted it we also recognized it could be something that was meant to take place later in life, like after we had experience raising children of our own. With a big decision like this at hand, naturally, we questioned God’s will. Instead of keeping it to ourselves, we shared it with people we love and trust and asked them for their input and prayers. We utilized the gift and call to community the Lord has so graciously given us.

Community is Key

One of the reasons God created us for community is so that we can hold our brothers and sisters in Christ accountable and help them walk in the way of the Lord and seek His wisdom. That being said, one conversation in particular helped us realize that fostering was indeed something we could and should pursue. It wasn’t something that needed to wait. Instead of asking God to give us a sign about the decision at hand that needed to be made, we trusted that He would be a part of every conversation we invited others into regarding fostering; we trusted that He was in every detail.And He surely was. Sister, when we obey God according to His Word, He will lovingly guide us.Although we may have no idea about how this current season of life or our future will unfold, one day we will be able to look back and see how He purposed it all together for His glory and our good. As Ephesians 1:11 says, “In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will” (ESV).

He Knows

God already knows where we are headed, sis. Instead of standing still because you are afraid of making the wrong decision, make a decision that reflects your desire to obey Him and honor Him in all things. If this is a possibility for both of the options at hand, then pick the one that you desire most. Whatever you decide, you can trust that God’s Spirit will guide you to where you need to be; you can trust that your future will work out according to His secret will. Not only is He present in every detail, He has orchestrated every detail. He knows. His heart is for you. Take comfort in this! 

God’s Revealed Will

Alright, now let’s talk about God’s revealed will, or as Deuteronomy 29:29 calls it, “the things that belong to us and our children forever” (ESV). God’s revealed will is also referred to as God’s preceptive will because it contains His commandments, His precepts. If we want to please God, His revealed will that we have in His Word must be our guide. This is the will that we must really focus on, since we have it at hand! So, focus on God’s revealed will and trust in His secret will. Hopefully this is all starting to make sense! Now, I want you to take a wild guess about what is required of us to focus on God’s revealed will. If your guess is studying His Word, then ding, ding, ding we have a winner! But it’s also more than that. It’s about planting ourselves in community, sitting under biblically sound preaching and teaching, and growing in our understanding of who God is and what His Word has for us within a covenant community- a church body that is committed to knowing God through His Word and making Him known.Doing these things will transform us more and more into His image, which means that our minds will be renewed and we will be able to better understand God’s will for our lives.As Roman 12:2 tells us, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (ESV).

God's Will in Suffering

Before I share some helpful tips for discerning God’s will in our decision making, I want to take a second to acknowledge a truth that may be hard to hear, but one that we should not neglect.Before I had a better understanding of God’s will, I often found myself asking, “How could God allow something like this to happen?” There were parts of me that hated that I had this question, but also parts of me that desperately desired the answer to this question. I was often so blinded by my emotions in asking this question that I became blinded to the reality of the cross. Sister, death was defeated and our salvation was won when Jesus submitted Himself to His Father -- our Father -- on the cross. When Christ took His very last breath with us in mind.

Three Times

The night before His crucifixion, Jesus asked God three times for another way to save His people. Not once, not twice, but three times. Read Matthew 26:36-46. In verse 42, Jesus says, “My Father, if this cannot pass unless I drink it, your will be done” (ESV).Jesus recognized the cost, but a part of Him also hoped for another way. At the same time, Jesus recognized the call and He committed Himself to it completely. The prayer, “Your will be done” takes on a whole new meaning with this in mind, does it not?That being said, we, too, can trust God completely- even in the midst of our trials. 1 Thessalonians 4:3 tells us God’s will for us is sanctification- to make us holy in His sight. When we find ourselves walking through a valley, we can still delight in the will of our God. We can still trust that it serves a greater purpose and God will use it for His glory and our good. When we take the time to take it all back to the cross, we are reminded of the bigger picture. We could devote a whole podcast episode to God’s will and suffering, but hopefully these few minutes talking about it have helped you better understand it! 

5 Ways to Discern the Will of God in Your Decision Making

To wrap things up, let’s talk about those five helpful things to help you make a decision in alignment with God’s will. All of these things are rooted in the truths we just explored together concerning God’s will. 

Live in obedience to what you already know to be true.

God’s will for His children is quite clear in His word. (Ephesians 5:15-20 ; Luke 9:23 ; 1 Thessalonians 4:3, 11:5-18 ; Romans 12:1-21). Immerse yourself in Scripture. Saturate your mind with it.

Remember that God comes first.

Always. Take a good, hard look at your decision making as of lately. Did you make these decisions from a desire to reflect the heart of God or to make yourself happy in the moment? When we live with the understanding that this life is not about us, we will come to not only know the Lord, but also who He has purposed us to be. (Matthew 10:39)

Listen! (John 10:27)

Here’s a truth you’ve heard a time or two: prayer is vital for our spiritual health. It is impossible to discern the will of God without it. Treasure it with your whole heart. Tell Him what you’re concerned about, then meditate on these things and listen to what He has to say. You will find more clarity simply from sharing your heart with Him compared to searching for answers in your head. I don’t know about you, but the moments God floods my heart with His wisdom are some of the very moments I crave the most. If I don’t carve out the time to tune in, I certainly miss out on the things God desires to show and tell me. I want to know the One who calls me by name and has purposed me in His Kingdom-come plan for this world! Don’t you? 

Seek counsel.

God has gifted us with wise counselors & He declares in His word that we listen to them carefully. (Proverbs 11:14) Whether it be a mentor, spouse or close friend, reach out to someone whose input you trust & value. Conversations with godly advisors can be instrumental in discerning where God is leading you.

Consider Your Giftings. (1 Peter 4:10 ; Romans 12:6-8)

The Father has gifted us in the ways He has for a reason. In other words, how He has gifted you is a significant part of how He has called you. Seek out opportunities to use these gifts- in your job, your relationships, volunteer opportunities, and etc.1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (ESV). When we heed this command, we will be doing God’s will.Friends, God became one of us, took on suffering and sacrificed His very life for us so that we could experience the primary purpose of our existence — to know Him, to love Him and to make His name known.

God's Will For Us is Rooted in His Love For Us

God defined Love by His actions. He loved us to the point of death and secured a path for our ultimate fulfillment—eternity with Him—through the death of His Son on the cross. May we come to deeply know and truly love the One who first loved us! May we make His name known and whisper His hope into a world that so desperately needs it- ours. Amen?As we seek God’s will for our lives, let us NOT consider our decisions through the lens of letting Him down, but rather the lens of honoring and pleasing Him to the best of our ability. Again, because of His Word, who we are in Christ, and the working of God’s Spirit in us, we can trust that our future will work out according to God’s will. We can trust that His will is always, always good- even the hidden parts. So let us thank Him for this beautiful and freeing truth, both now and forevermore.

Thank You!

Sister, thank you so much for taking the time to tune in. I hope this episode encouraged you in your understanding of God’s will in some way. I also hope it reminded you of the goodness and glory of our great, great God!If you enjoyed this podcast episode, please let me know! You can do so by reviewing the podcast or becoming a DOD VIP via Patreon. Or both! I’m so grateful for your support, sister! It is my prayer that the Lord would continue to use our time together each week to help enrich your relationship with Him.Talk with you next Wednesday! 

Meet Your Host


Daughter of Delight | Blogs for Women | Christian Women Inspiration | Christian Women's Ministry | Women's Devotional | Devotional for Women | Christian Quotes | Romans 8:38-39 | Christian Women | Bible Verse Graphics | Online Women's Ministry | Blogs for Christian Women Elle is a 26-year-old southern gal whose heart is after Christ. She lives in a historic fixer-upper in Shelbyville, TN with her college sweetheart and hubby, Michael. She is on a mission to encourage and empower women across the globe with the life-giving, transformative truths found in God’s infallible Word.Elle believes that in order to truly know and enjoy life with the Father, we must live and breathe His Word. This belief is part of the story behind how Daughter of Delight came to be. If you would like to learn more about the DOD story, click here you can do so here!

In her free time, Elle enjoys outdoor adventures and home DIY projects with the hubs, driving into town to catch up over coffee with her friends (she’ll take an iced oat milk latte, please!), four-wheeling and playing with the cows on the Cardel family farm, listening to podcasts, writing, and dreaming!She is so glad you are a part of the Daughter of Delight community and prays that this ministry would point you to intentionally pursue life with our Creator!

EP 16: The Ultimate Promise Keeper


EP 14: Overcoming Evil With Good