5 Lessons I Learned From My Mother

“I cannot tell you how much I owe to the solemn word of my good mother.” -Charles SpurgeonMotherhood is one of God’s greatest gifts to us. In fact, when God described His love for Israel, He did so with a motherhood metaphor. He told the Israelites He would comfort them like a mother comforts her children. (Isaiah 66:13)Although motherhood is a precious, indispensable gift, it is a HARD role to fill. I don’t know about you, but I certainly took my mom for granted growing up. However, despite the difficult & rebellious phases of my childhood years, her love for me never swayed. It always went with me, steadfast & strong. And it still does to this day.To honor my mother this Mother’s Day, I want to share 5 of the most invaluable lessons I learned from her. I have learned so much more than what I’m sharing today—in fact, I’m still learning—but these are the ones I remind myself of often!1.) Think before you speak, & always speak from a place of love. My mother & I had countless conversations that truly helped shape me into the woman I am today. Had she not taken the time to be loving & patient with me in these conversations, I would have received her words with a rebellious heart rather than a listening ear. Speak life. Speak truth. Speak love.2.) Choose your friends wisely. Growing up, my mother was able to speak into many of my friendships that turned out to be no good, & I hated that she was right. Instead of just being myself, I was changing things about me in order to be accepted by others. Now, I have invaluable friendships with gals who accept & love me for the quirky goofball I am, & let me tell ya- I wouldn’t trade them for anything! Thanks, Mom.3.) Always be generous- with your time, your giftings, your words, your money, your “stuff”, you name it. I love this quote by Andrew Murray: “The world asks, ‘What does a man own?’ Christ asks, ‘How does he use it?'"4.) Live in the present & be truly thankful for what you have. As a child, when I complained about something, my mother was quick to combat my complaints with a reminder of the things I had that truly mattered. We are surrounded by blessings, left & right! Do not get so caught up in the fast-paced speed of this life or in future thoughts that you forget to take a look around. Count your blessings & be all in- right here, right now.5.) Work hard at whatever you do & do it ALL for the glory of God. My mom went back to school full-time while raising my twin brother & I. In doing so, she not only fulfilled her dream of being a teacher, but she was also able to help give my brother & I the life she & my father worked so hard for us to have. Her drive & determination have no doubt played an incredibly influential role in my drive & determination.The older I get, the more I come to realize there are not enough words to express the gratitude I have for my mom...for ALL moms!I pray that I can one day be half the mother to my kids that my mom was to me.Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! I love you! 

Meet Elle

Emily Lauren Cardel (Elle) lives in Shelbyville, TN with her hubby and best friend Michael, as well as their four-legged fur child, Tucker. She is fiercely passionate about chasing the call of her Creator and constantly finds herself in awe as she watches His vision for Daughter of Delight continue to unfold. In addition to Daughter of Delight, Elle also owns her own wedding planning business, Elle Cardel Events.
In her free time, Elle enjoys doing all the things; spending quality time with her besties, snuggling on the couch with Michael and pup, four-wheeling and playing with the cows on the Cardel family farm, listening to podcasts, writing, and drinking Fair Trade coffee in its purest form…black!

You can find her on Instagram here and join the Daughter of Delight family here.



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Daily Delight