Daily Delight

A few months ago, my husband and I shared in an all-day spa experience together. As we were preparing for the relaxing appointments scheduled for the day, we were asked, “What are you celebrating?”I replied to the woman, “Life.”The word celebrate means "to acknowledge a significant or happy day or event with a social gathering or enjoyable activity." Typically, we think of celebrating in the context of weddings, baby showers, graduations, birthdays, anniversaries, and other milestones in a person’s life in which the date will forever be commemorated.So many times, we reserve the good things in life for the milestones. We wait for a certain date to do the things we want to do in order to justify our celebration.Spoiler alert: Jesus secured our justification for celebrating life without needing a milestone.We tend to reserve the redemption story for Easter, but the redemption runs within our veins 365 days of the year, allowing us ample reason to celebrate daily. Every day is a joyful day, no matter the circumstances, because we live life free in Him.When we choose to celebrate every big and small thing in our life—no matter if it is important by the definition of the world—it allows us to be filled with gratitude and continually praise God for His goodness!"My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long." -Psalm 71:8 (NIV)How are you choosing to celebrate today?

About the Author

Shelbey Kendall

Shelbey is a 29 year-old, small town Kansas girl relentlessly pursuing the God-given purpose placed within her heart. She is a writer finishing up her first book, an entrepreneur in wellness and a seeker of opportunity to boldly share God’s love and truth. She believes passionately that when women come together in their God given giftings and rise up in community instead of comparing and dividing among each other, His Kingdom is further built upon and His love is better spread among people who desperately need it.

She is married to her biggest supporter, Justin, and together they have 3 young children. She enjoys going for runs with songs of truth blasting in her ears, supporting her local



Daily Delight


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