Daily Delight

On this Mother's Day morning, I would like to share some encouragement with all you hard working mommas out there!In 2 Timothy, Paul writes about two mothers that were responsible for Timothy’s faith:“I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well” (2 Timothy 1:5, ESV).

The faith of Lois and Eunice was so strongly evident in the way they lived their lives that Timothy grew up knowing this was the way to go.Their roles were so important that Paul acknowledged it right from the start! Timothy’s genuine faith was due to his mother and grandmother.And I’m going to say the same is true today.This world goes back and forth about women, and I hate to admit that the church has added its own controversy- but it has. This Mother's Day, I want to reassure you of a rock solid truth: YOU are SO very important!I know you do it all without a thank you at times, but from the eyes of a daughter, I want you to know we see it.We see you living out the woman outlined in Proverbs 31.We see you working hard from sunup to sundown.We see the way you love us unconditionally.We see your faith being played out in the day-to-day.We see you pursuing after Jesus relentlessly.We see you praying.We see you trying to be more and more like Him in the moments you extend us mercy and grace.And just like Timothy, your faith on display has encouraged us to have our own.So, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you.Thank you for setting an example of pursuing Jesus and for training us up in the way to go. (Proverbs 22:6)You are incredibly important, and I know we do not say it enough.And so, especially today, we rise up and call you blessed- because Momma, you are.Happy Mother's Day!

About the Author

Janine Carattini

Janine is a twenty-something relentless pursuer of Jesus and the life He has for her. She is passionate about encouraging and equipping others to intentionally, relentlessly pursue Jesus all day, every day.Janine lives in Southern, California when she’s not visiting family and friends all over the United States. In her free time, she loves to read a good book, listen to all the Jesus podcasts, write, and, of course, watch all the Hallmark movies.You can find her on Instagram here and get encouraged and equipped in your Relentless Pursuit of Jesus here


5 Lessons I Learned From My Mother


Daily Delight