Daily Delight

I recently sat down with a book I have found to be refreshing and challenging. Through it, I have gained insight on the importance of honoring God in every season. One point, however, specifically stopped me in my tracks:“If you worship [God] only when you feel like worshiping, you worship less and less. If you learn to praise Him in the toughest of times, the best is yet to come….don’t forget, you are His joy. Is He yours?” –Mark Batterson (Whisper: How to Hear the Voice of God)

This hit me hard. So much so, it prompted to take a look at my life – in all of its mess. I saw busy-ness and growth, prompting and waiting. Throughout all of it, had God been my joy?My truthful answer? “Not always.”I realized that sometimes I focus so intently on the issues at hand, that I forget to enjoy God for who He is.I want to wake up with joy – because God is with me in the morning.I want to go to work and run errands with joy – because He’s with me there, too.I want to choose joy over frustration – because He’s holding me together.I want to marvel at His goodness, at His magnificence, in every passing moment.In Psalms, King David illustrates the deep relationship he experienced with the Father throughout his lifetime. David possessed much — a great kingdom and great wealth — but not once does he mention finding fulfillment in these things. Instead, he says this of the Lord:

You make known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence,With eternal pleasures at Your right hand”(Psalm ‪16:11,‬ NIV).

What if our satisfaction did not lie in “that” relationship, image or new job? What if our joy was not found in striving, but in the Lord?We so often look for happiness in the things we do not have, but let me tell you the truth:Jesus Christ is the fullness of joy. His love is our fulfillment. Today, I’m choosing to set my mind — and my life — on this.Will you set yours, too?

About the Author

Sierra Okoniewski

Sierra is a spunky, 22-year-old Michigander who is saved by Jesus Christ every single day. A college student with a culinary degree under her belt, she loves to whip up pies and brunch for hungry friends...sometimes in that order.
Sierra lives in Romeo, Michigan with her parents, three sweet siblings, and their spazzy Australian Shepherd puppy, Pepper. Her calling is to write about the work that The Father is doing in her heart while she grows as His daughter.
You can often find Sierra karaoke-dancing in the kitchen, lavender latte in hand. If she's not there, she's probably out backpacking...but she promises to return shortly, armed with bear hugs and big-mountain stories.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight