Daily Delight
I recently sat down with a book I have found to be refreshing and challenging. Through it, I have gained insight on the importance of honoring God in every season. One point, however, specifically stopped me in my tracks:“If you worship [God] only when you feel like worshiping, you worship less and less. If you learn to praise Him in the toughest of times, the best is yet to come….don’t forget, you are His joy. Is He yours?” –Mark Batterson (Whisper: How to Hear the Voice of God)
“You make known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence,With eternal pleasures at Your right hand”(Psalm 16:11, NIV).
What if our satisfaction did not lie in “that” relationship, image or new job? What if our joy was not found in striving, but in the Lord?We so often look for happiness in the things we do not have, but let me tell you the truth:Jesus Christ is the fullness of joy. His love is our fulfillment. Today, I’m choosing to set my mind — and my life — on this.Will you set yours, too?
About the Author
Sierra Okoniewski