5 Reminders for Christian Dating

1. Love God FIRST. We are called to love the Lord our God with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind, & all our strength. (Mark 12:30) Warning: This is easier said than done. To be honest, I struggle with it in my marriage! BUT. We must not forget that in order to truly love someone else, God must always come first. Everything flows through Him. This also goes for the person you are considering dating or may already be dating: they will not truly love you if they do not love the Lord our God more than they love you. Commit to seeking God first! (Matthew 6:33)2. Relationships do NOT complete you. God did not intend for marriage to be a solution to all of your issues. Marriage is a covenant where forgiveness & grace flow between two broken & Heaven-minded people, not where our empty voids become filled & a life of happily ever after begins. You are complete in Christ & Christ alone. Your identity, worth & ultimate satisfactPostion can only be found through the heart of our Heavenly Father. That being said, make sure you date someone who compliments you instead of expecting them to complete you.3. Actions speak louder than words. Can I get an amen?! I know firsthand what it’s like to be with someone who says all the right & godly things, but whose actions do not match up. Two words, gals: RED FLAG. I knew this relationship was wrong for me for this reason alone, but instead of protecting my heart I waited & waited for change because I had idolized the relationship. The result? A broken heart. Please make sure the person you are dating is not only preaching the gospel but LIVING IT OUT as well!4. Know your boundaries BEFORE you start dating & state them AS SOON as you start dating. This is a big one, friends. If you are too ashamed to share the boundaries you have set for the sake of your purity & relationship with Christ because you think it’s “silly”, then it is time take a step back & evaluate your motives. What is your true motive behind dating at this point in time? Is it for a quick-fix or attention? Or, is it because you want to pursue a God-centered relationship with a godly man who equally desires to pursue you for your godly heart? Date a man who not only respects your boundaries, but AGREES with them. Then, PRAY for the strength to keep those boundaries! Setting boundaries is one thing. Being completely serious about them is another. In your personal prayer time with God, pray for wisdom & self-control. He will deliver!5. Be intentional with your friends & family. It is so easy to lose sight of some of your most important relationships in exchange for more & more alone time together. Remain aware of this reality & refuse to let it happen. This not only encourages idolatry, but also bad decisions & bruised relationships with loved ones. Satan will encourage the “we only need each other” mentality as much as he can. Do not give in! Refuse to settle in dark corners with your special someone & commit to pursuing one another in the light. Besides, it’s extremely important for both of you to get to know each of your friends & families anyway! 

About the Founder

Hey girlfriend, I’m Elle!I’m a twenty-five-year-old southern gal (howdy, y’all!) and live in Shelbyville, TN with my college sweetheart and hubby, Michael.I’m a 3 on the Enneagram, the only sweet tea I drink is my daddy’s, and I’m a little obsessed with pygmy goats.Most importantly, though, I’m on a mission to encourage and empower women across the globe with the life-giving, transformative truths found in God’s infallible Word. I believe that in order to truly know and enjoy life with the Father, we must live and breathe His Word. This is where Daughter of Delight, the online women’s ministry God birthed through me in September 2014, comes in. You can read more about it here!
In my free time, I enjoy outdoor adventures with the hubs, catching up over coffee with my gals (I’ll take an iced almond latte, please!), watching Grey’s Anatomy, four-wheeling and playing with the cows on the Cardel family farm, listening to podcasts, writing, and dreaming- LOTS of dreaming!I’m truly so excited you’re here and would love for you to be a part of the Daughter of Delight family!

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Daughter Dilemmas