5 Traits of Biblical Womanhood

Do you ever pause and reflect on how you are living your life compared to what you truly desire for it to exemplify?I do this often. Each time, I realize just how dependent I am on my Father & His sweet mercy & grace. Each time, I recognize some of my shortcomings and pray, asking God to make me more and more like Him. I pray for my eyes and ears to be open and in tune with the things that will enable me to live more and more in alignment with His will. I do this because I deeply desire to live in such a way that points those around me to the One above me. It is one of my deepest prayers to live a life that exemplifies I am a woman after God’s own heart!When I find myself in this sea of thoughts, I also reflect on the traits of biblical womanhood. Today, I want to share 5 traits I believe we must focus on and obtain in order to fully embrace our biblical womanhood & therefore, moreso devote our lives to the One, true King. Before you read them, please hear me when I say that biblical womanhood does NOT equal perfectionism.Striving to live a life of biblical womanhood means accepting our flaws and resting fully on the grace of God to cover them all as we seek first His Kingdom. Be blessed, dear sisters!1. A biblical woman understands she is Imago Dei (created in the image of God). (Genesis 1:27, Psalm 139:13-16)2. A biblical woman understands the need for self-denial. (John 3:30, John 12:25-26) Without picking up our cross and dying to self daily, we will miss out on opportunities of faith maturation & fruitfulness because we will be so consumed by self. However, when we focus on taking up our cross and following Christ, we will be able to participate in the good works God has prepared in advance for us. (Ephesians 2:10)3. A biblical woman is trained in sound doctrine. (1 Timothy 4:7-8) There are great resources for Christian women to be trained in godliness, but the ultimate tool is God’s Word. When we become rooted in His Word, our minds will be transformed in ways that will allow us to think, act and speak in a more godly manner. We will also be able to recognize false teachings and better guard our hearts against the ways of this world.4. A biblical woman speaks faithfully- with wisdom, kindness, boldness, and love. Everything she says is done not out of spite or in anger, but in love. (Proverbs 27:5-6, Proverbs 31:26)5. A biblical woman seeks the Father’s heart FIRST. She recognizes God comes before her spouse, her children, and the many different hats she wears/titles she carries. She sets her mind on things above and walks in the truth that she is created, redeemed, called, gifted, strengthened, and empowered by God, for God! She lives for the glory of God and God alone. Soli Deo gloria! (Matthew 6:33, Colossians 3:2, Psalm 27:4) 

About the Founder

Emily Lauren Cardel (Elle) lives in Shelbyville, TN with her hubby and best friend Michael, as well as their four-legged fur child, Tucker. She is fiercely passionate about chasing the call of her Creator and constantly finds herself in awe as she watches His vision for Daughter of Delight continue to unfold. In addition to Daughter of Delight, Elle also owns her own wedding planning business, Elle Cardel Events.
In her free time, Elle enjoys doing all the things; outdoor adventures with her hubby, spending quality time with her besties, four-wheeling and playing with the cows on the family farm, listening to podcasts, writing, and drinking Fair Trade coffee in its purest form…black!

You can find her on Instagram here and join the Daughter of Delight family here.



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Daughter Dilemmas