Daily Delight

How much do you honor God in your life? Have you ever stopped to think about it?I know when I was faced with this question I was pretty convicted. When I think about my days and how they play out, there is a common a theme of “me”. What do I want to do? What do I want to accomplish? Where do I want to be?It wasn’t until I stopped to really reflect on my time, motives and desires, did I realize I wasn’t including God. Yes, I would pray when I woke and before I went to bed. If I was struggling I might pray during the day, but I wasn’t actively seeking God in my life. I wasn’t prioritizing his plans for me. Honestly, I wasn’t even slowing down to listen or consider His plans. As a wife, mom, and entrepreneur my plate is full. Surviving is what I did most days. I thought as long as I was trying my best, it was good enough for God.After being stopped in my tracks with a simple but powerful question - I began seeking God’s plans for me. Wondering what they are and if I was on the right track. I intentionally put God first. No more rushing around, or rush to judgment or to decision. Instead. I would take my daily tasks, decisions and struggles to him, before proceeding. I also began asking myself if my choices, priorities, and roles (wife, mom, business owner) glorified God or myself? Wow, that is a doozy of a question! Believe me, it wasn’t easy to face the truth. But, it’s in our humility that we will find Him.We were not put on Earth to glorify ourselves, we are here to be a light for the Lord and to glorify Him. He needs to be the center of our thoughts, our acts, and our focus. I love this verse from Jeremiah, when we seek Him with our entire heart, we will find Him. And, it’s in our time with Him that he will reveal his plans for us, plans that are good, that give us a future and hope! 

About the Author

Brooke Elia

Brooke is married to her best friend Andrew and resides in Southern California. She is a mom to two incredibly lovable kiddos, one daughter and one son. She is a lawyer by trade and a hippie by passion.She enjoys getting lost in a good book and rotates between faith based, legal fiction, and personal development.In her free time, she enjoys chatting up life with her girlfriends and exploring their many Pinterest projects.As a family they enjoy crafting, traveling, board games, cooking, camping, and serving at their local church.She depends on her faith and lattes to get her through life’s daily demands. She is learning to let go of her “perfectionist" tendencies, and extending more grace to herself and others.You can find her on Instagram here and join the Hippie Lawyer Mom family here

Friends, my hope is that you too will know that you are loved unconditionally by the Father. You do not have to prove yourself, or your worthiness. God’s love for you is perfect, faithful, unconditional, and forgiving. The only thing you need to do is slow down and receive it. 


Daily Delight


Daily Delight