Daily Delight

A few days ago, I found myself bombarded with spiritual attacks. You see, as a teenager, and especially into my early college years, I claimed to know Christ but didn't live that way. I lived a life painted with sin and immorality. I turned to the ways of the world to heal my brokenness and I only dug myself deeper into the dark abyss that sin leads you to. I turned to partying, boys and friends to fill the gaping hole in my heart, none of which did the deed. It wasn't until I had ran rampant through all the sin I could grasp hold of, and hit rock bottom, that I finally turned my shameful face towards my God. And you know what? He came running towards me. Arms open. He knew what my life had been. He knew every awful decision I had made. He knew the blackest pieces of my heart, but aside from what He knew, do you know what He saw?He saw his child, covered by the blood of Christ. He saw a slave who was free. He saw a holy daughter who has been sanctified and justified!You see, my spiritual attack this morning stemmed from some memories. The enemy threw some past sins in my face and then ridiculed me with guilt, shame and disgust. That's all wrong. First of all, I have been forgiven of my sins, secondly I have been set free from my guilt, and third, all that matters is what my God thinks of me, and He loves me with a deep, relentless, perfect love. He loves you that way too. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, what you once were, even if it was as recent as yesterday, is not who you are today. You are washed clean, sanctified, justified, holy and redeemed!The enemy knows that when we turn from our sin he has no hold on us so he plays a childish game of accusations. Hold up that shield of faith and use the sword of the Spirit to cut down those lies.

"And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." -1 Corinthians 6:11 (NIV)


About the Author

Kelsey Huff

Kelsey is an overly-extroverted 23 year old writer, traveler and lover of Jesus. She lives full time in a converted van and travels with her husband and adventure pup. Her husband, Josiah, is a web developer and Kelsey maintains a faith based blog: www.rootedinreality.net
Kelsey has a passion for sharing the word of God and firing others up in their faith. She hopes to continue writing full time and loves speaking with other women about the mighty work and healing He can do in our lives. She wants to set others ablaze with passion and excitement for their faith.
In her free time Kelsey loves to hike, read and come up with strange and healthy recipes. She has a deep love for her Savior, people and the outdoors.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight