Daily Delight

Let’s talk about doubt.I sometimes doubt God.I have doubted Him to bless us in our fertility struggle. I have doubted His ability to heal a broken relationship. I have doubted His capability while working through my daughter’s development struggles. I have doubted God would be who He said He is. And, I have doubted that I am worthy of His blessings.In my moments of doubt, when I sit in the His presence and tell Him how I feel, God meets me with His love and peace, and I hear the words, “Greater is He.” I fall apart in gratitude and humility, asking for forgiveness and I say those words over and over again - “Greater is He” (1 John 4:4). When doubt creeps into our hearts, we need to rebuke it and stand on the promise that God is greater.Bring light to your doubt. Sit before out loving Father and pray. By bringing our doubt to Him, we can allow peace to take it’s place. By confessing our doubt to Him, He will open our eyes to where He is in our situation.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” -Philippians 4:6 (NIV)

Speak God’s word over you, sister. We serve a God who goes before us and who walks beside us. He gives us power (Isaiah 40:29), He gives us courage (Deut 31:6) and you, daughter of this mighty God, will not be shaken (Psalm 16:8). Approach God in gratitude and draw near to Him. Bless His victorious name because He is so much greater.

Greater than any fear.Greater than your heartbreak. Greater than any mountain you stand before. Whatever your situation, whatever your circumstance - He hears your prayers, your cry, your fear, and your worry. No prayer goes unheard and He is with you. He is never far from you, but right there in it with you. He loves you and is always working for your good. Always.

Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!” -Psalm 66:20 (NIV)

About the Author

Rebecca Wager

Rebecca is almost 40, loving and living in sunny Arizona. She is married to her best friend Chris and together they have their rainbow baby (now toddler) Charlotte. In addition to chasing her sweet daughter around, she enjoys time with family, pretending she’s on The Great British Baking Show and being outdoors.

She loves diving deeper into religious studies, writing, getting happily lost in a book and can’t get through the day without a large amount of espresso.

Rebecca is passionate about Jesus, reminding women of their worthiness in Christ and desires to see women thrive in their God dreams. You can connect with her on Instagram here and follow along with her blog, For the Worthy Mom, here!


Daily Delight


Daily Delight