Daily Delight

The alarm clock beeps me awake again. Sure, I could use a gentler sound from my iPhone alarm app, but my new morning routine has me staying away from my “electronic distractions” until the kids are off to school.In this tech savvy new world, we have become so dependent on the internet. We bank online; shop online; get our college degrees online. Fitbit tracks our sleep online, and yes, we even do our bible studies online. But as I learn and constantly re-learn how to navigate this life of apps, algorithms, and devices, I don’t know about you, but I find myself spinning in circles A LOT.I’m curious about everything around me, and the minute - no, second - I want to learn something, I’m reaching for Google. How do I cook chicken in the Instant Pot? Is this supplement good for me? Is this book appropriate for a 13 year old? I look up ways to connect with my kids while my eyes are glued to a screen. I reach out to friends thousands of miles away, while the ones in my area code are struggling with the same issues. We’ve become so connected that we’re disconnected.I’m not saying being connected is wrong. No. There are joys to being connected to friends and loved ones miles away. It’s a wonder to get information so quickly and easily. (Not to mention, identifying your sleeping patterns can help you get quality rest.) But are we a slave to connectedness? Do you have FOMO (the fear of missing out)? Do you spend hours on end watching Instagram Stories or scrolling Facebook? Have you made connectedness your priority over God? Over your family? Over fellowship?

No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other.” -Matthew 6:24 (NIV)

As you rise this morning, ask yourself, “Who will I serve today? Will I be devoted love God and others? Or will I connect first and serve God second?"Let us fill our hearts with the One and ones who matter most first.Perhaps now is the time to disconnect…in order to connect. 

About the Author

Jennifer Tanaka

Jenn is currently enjoying navigating the path as a mom of three with her husband of fifteen years. Born and raised in Honolulu, HI, she still resides in her home state, discovering and sharing the beauty of her Heavenly Father through writing and photography.
In the last two years, Jenn has been following her calling to write for women who, like her, are yearning to draw closer to Jesus. Leaving her full-time position in education, she now enjoys spending more time with her family and serving the women in her local and online communities.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight