Daily Delight

There was a point in my life where I literally quit attending a Sunday school class because it felt like all they ever talked about was marriage and dating. Mind you, it was a Sunday school class for singles (of which I was one). But it felt like all they ever talked about was dating and marriage. Also, keep in mind that I was in Bible school at the time and extremely on fire for the Lord. But I quit going to Sunday school… Now, I’m not saying that I made the “right choice” in quitting. But I do want to tell you that, if you are single and stinkin’ tired of hearing about marriage and dating all the live long time, I have been there. Sometimes it seems as if there is this underlying current in the Church, that your life and ministry doesn’t really begin until you get married. And as a very happily married gal, I’m here to tell you: that’s not true.You were called to be a Daughter of the King long before you were called to be somebody’s wife. You were anointed long before you had a ring on your hand. Marriage is a blessing but it is not our main goal of existence. No matter our season or status in life our main goal is to know Jesus and make Him known. Period. Everything else is just gravy, baby.So hear me today, sweet sister, whether you are single, married, single again, or single forever, you are not less than or more than. You do not have to wait for a change in status or season to begin walking in obedience. You do not have to wait for permission to begin serving others. You are His now. You are delighted in now. You are fought for now. In Christ, you are enough now.

And don’t be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God’s place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there. God, not your marital status defines your life." -1 Corinthians 7:17a (MSG)

About the Author

Faith Hanan

Faith Hanan is a fierce and fun-loving Jesus follower passionate about seeing Christians live wild and free. She and her husband, Nate, started thewildandfree.org where they help people live passionately and healthy while pursuing their God-given purpose.Faith is always down for a good cup of coffee and heart-to-heart or dance party. In addition to writing, leading worship, and raising a tiny human, Faith loves to compete in barrel races, hike, camp, workout, play in the dirt, and dabble in professional photography (and did we mention, NOT cook).You can connect with Faith and her shenanigans on Instagram here and at www.thewildandfree.org


Daily Delight


Daily Delight