Daily Delight

And I saw that all toil and all achievements spring from one person’s envy of another. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.” - Ecclesiastes 4:4 (NIV)

Let’s be real for a minute.Envy. We’ve all felt it.Ya know, that pain you get when you see someone else being great, looking perfect, getting that promotion, getting thousands of “likes” or launching a successful blog or business, that rage that fizzles up when you see others getting things you want.But, if we ask ourselves why we’re so irked by someone else’s success, often times we find ourselves mad at God. “God, why are you blessing her with all the things I want?! What about the desires of my heart?” The real root of the problem is our pride, thinking there is a specific portion that we are deserving of, a portion that belongs to us. The goal is a pure heart and realizing it’s not about us. When we truly believe it’s not about us, we’ll defeat comparison because we’ll realize it’s not about her either.If you let it, envy will sabotage your calling because God cannot bless efforts that are driven by your impure motive of “outdoing” someone else, or getting ahead, or simply just wanting to be great. Even Solomon says, it’s meaningless, a chasing of the wind meaning, it goes nowhere!Friend, let me assure you, God is not a God that “only has so much to go around.” He is not a God that built a stage only big enough for a few of us.His resources cannot be exhausted, especially when it comes to His children. His blessings are plentiful and overflowing.Remember that every season of your life will bring trials, and not every season is harvest season. Sometimes, it’s planting season… but you’re like “Michaelyn, I’ve been planting forever!” Then how big will your harvest be when the sun dries up the rain? Keep planting. Keep working in your corner of the field and keep your motives pure, directing everything back to the One who deserves all the glory.This is not about us. This is about Him

About the Author

Michaelyn Modglin

Michaelyn is a bubbly and energetic 23-year-old completely sold out on all things Jesus. She is passionate about women, learning more about the call God's placed on her life and expanding the Kingdom of Heaven.
Michaelyn is a recent graduate of Murray State University and is the project coordinator at a nonprofit behavioral health organization in Southern Illinois.
Michaelyn loves spending time with family, friends and Jesus. During her alone time, she can be found cuddled up with her pup, a cup of coffee and probably writing.



Daily Delight


Daily Delight