Daily Delight

Let’s talk about spiritual warfare.You know, the thing we don’t really talk about or write about or give credit to because it feels kind of “weird Christian”?Up until about two and a half years ago, I was right there with you, girl. I thought that we give the devil too much credit and that whenever someone talked about “spiritual warfare” it was kind of a cop out and they just weren’t owning up to their own sin.Harsh, right?But here’s the thing: Then I found myself at war.In February 2016, out of the clear blue skies, I was in the middle of a knock down, drag out battle of the ages with anxiety and panic.I couldn’t eat.I couldn’t sleep.I lost 20 lbs.I couldn’t be alone.I couldn’t stand to sit idle.I couldn’t focus at work.I withdrew from relationships. So — I went to counseling. And prayed a lot. And read my Bible a lot. And called on the Holy Spirit a lot.Why?Because Paul tells us this in his letter to the church at Ephesus:

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12, ESV).

You see — spiritual warfare? It’s real. And it’s Biblical, too.And before we can ever be armed for the battle? We need to acknowledge the fact that there’s a war.

About the Author

Diana Carter is a writer and teacher enamored by the vision of a generation of women boldly embracing their Biblical identities. She spends her weeks as a Communications Director at a large multi-site church in Charlotte, NC where she lives with her husband, Tyler.Diana founded Because I’m His, an online community committed to equipping women in their true identities, in 2016. In between all of the serious stuff, you can usually find her with Tyler: shamelessly binge-watching Bravo! or brewery hopping with friends.You can connect with Diana on Instagram here and follow along with the Because I'm His tribe here.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight