Daily Delight

I talk a good game about pursuing your God-given dreams. And I honestly mean everything I say. But let me tell you, I’ve been intimidated by a God-sized dream a time (or twelve) in my life.In today’s rat race of productivity hacks and endless books and articles about self-improvement, it’s really easy to get caught up in our own abilities and how to improve them. Don’t get me wrong, I think we should improve. We should be good stewards. But hear this:If your dream does not require God-sized help, then you probably do not have the whole picture. God longs to come through for us. Time and time again in the Word we see situations where the odds are stacked against God’s people in crazy ways. And then BOOM, God comes through in a BIG way… and His people KNOW that it was an “only God” victory. Gideon is my favorite example of this.Read the whole cool story yourself in Judges 6-7, but here is my quick paraphrase:God needed to raise up a deliverer for the Israelites, so he picked the biggest chicken in the weakest tribe of Israel. God takes Gideon’s already inferior army and whittled them down to only 300 men. Then, God has Gideon's men use torches, empty jars and trumpets as weapons that miraculously send the enemy camp into mass chaos. The enemy soldiers then turn on themselves and slaughter each other. Sound bizarre? It was. It was an “only God” could come up with it, execute this kind of idea and actually win type of event. My point is this: Do not limit your dreams to only what you can accomplish in your own strength. Take heed to God’s advice to Gideon:

Go in the strength that you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hands. Am I not sending you?”-Judges 6:14 (NIV)


About the Author

Faith Hanan

Faith Hanan is a fierce and fun-loving Jesus follower passionate about seeing Christians live wild and free. She and her husband, Nate, started thewildandfree.org where they help people live passionately and healthy while pursuing their God-given purpose.Faith is always down for a good cup of coffee and heart-to-heart or dance party. In addition to writing, leading worship, and raising a tiny human, Faith loves to compete in barrel races, hike, camp, workout, play in the dirt, and dabble in professional photography (and did we mention, NOT cook).You can connect with Faith and her shenanigans on Instagram here and at www.thewildandfree.org


Daily Delight


Daily Delight