Daily Delight
Do you know Jesus or did you just meet Him once?I had this heavy question stumble across my mind a couple days ago. I was asking God what He would have me write about for this week’s devotional and I just kept getting these two questions. I felt God’s Spirit press on me again: Do you know Jesus? Or did you just meet Him once?Sister, I encourage you to get real with me here.Is your relationship with your Savior the kind of relationship that changes, grows and evolves daily? Or, do you find yourself at that place where the only thoughts that come to mind are old memories from when you encountered Jesus for the first time or many seasons ago?Let me encourage you with a couple truths here. If you have ever accepted Christ as your Savior, God has met you! He smiles when He thinks about the moment you opened your heart to Him and welcomed Jesus into your life! And as wonderful as that moment was for both you and the Lord, He wants you to keep getting to know Him. Daily. Hourly. Minute by minute.I encourage you today to start knowing Him like you never have before. Talk to Him daily like you talk to a friend. Quiet your soul and remember that Scripture tells us He is all around you right now, regardless of how close to Him you “feel.”Our loving Father doesn’t want you to settle for the couple memories you have of Him, friend. He wants to bless you with a daily, vibrant, transformative connection with Him that is possible because of Jesus!How do you do this? You start by listening for His voice! In your quiet time of prayer, in the Scriptures, in your thoughts throughout your day, listen for His loving voice. Your loving Father has a lot to say about you, if you lend Him your ear.
About the Author
Leigh Anne is a 24-year old new bride to her best friend, Josh, currently living in Phoenix Arizona. She is an “open book” that finds great joy in sharing her stories, struggles and lessons with others to glorify God and His love and faithfulness!Leigh Anne graduated from Grand Canyon University in 2016 with her Masters in Christian Leadership where she also played collegiate volleyball.About four years ago, God captured Leigh Anne’s heart with the gospel of Jesus Christ and transformed her life. Her heart’s calling is encouraging women as they seek a deeper relationship with Jesus, a balanced lifestyle and to grow in their understanding of who God has made them to be!Leigh is preparing to begin her adventure as a world traveler. She and her husband Josh will soon be traveling overseas for his professional basketball career. You can connect with her on Instagram here.