Daily Delight

Our God, who can part raging waters and tell the lightning where to strike, became man– all out of love for us. Sent to fulfill all the covenants that God made with His chosen people, Jesus is the bringer of peace, the light of the world, the King of Kings, and love incarnate. He is ‘God with us’ (Matthew 1:23). He came as a tiny baby, walked among us and then died so that we may have the opportunity to spend our eternity singing His praises.My heart gets so heavy and overwhelmed with gratitude whenever I reflect on this truth. This Christmas, I hope that you will be reminded of three great truths.1. Be reminded that God keeps His promises to those that are faithful. In our ruin and despair, God fulfilled His promise to save His people and satisfy the deepest longing of the human heart. A longing to one day be reunited with our Father in heaven. He holds true to His word in every season, and He invites us to receive Him and believe in His name so that we may be called “children of God.”2. Be reminded that God is love. His love is here with us, it was the same yesterday, today, and forever. His love is constant and unfailing. With Christ’s coming, we were invited to embark on a journey of surrender. If we accept His offer, we must open up our lives and make our hearts available as a manger to Christ.3. Be reminded that He is not finished building His kingdom. His work among us is always in progress and it never comes to an end. Regardless of our loneliness, our loss, or our earthly longings, our God longs to share Himself with us and continue His work in our lives. God is with us, and we will not be left abandoned.He is a keeper of promises, He is love and He is not finished yet. As we celebrate Christmas and come to the end of another year, take time to reflect on the Father’s deep, deep love for you. Give thanks for all you have received because heaven and earth were united by Christ's coming.Merry Christmas! 

About the Author

Hannah Aulbach

Hannah is a 21-year-old college student from St. Louis, MO, currently finishing up her undergrad in Child & Family Development at Missouri State University. She has worked to keep Christ at the forefront during her college experience, and she hopes to inspire other young women to join her on a Christ-driven journey.

Hannah loves serving the Lord through mission work, and she has spent the past two summers as a local missionary sharing the Gospel with children and teens in the St. Louis area. When she isn’t catching up on projects for school, Hannah can be found on Chick-Fil-A runs with friends, hiking new trails, jamming to her favorite praise & worship, working out, or working on a new painting project.



Daily Delight


Daily Delight