Daily Delight

Every year, it’s the same thing. At the top of the list, right above the ‘Workout/Eat Healthy’ section, the words “Spend time with Jesus” kick off the list of resolutions.Every single year.And every year, January 1st through about January 15th, I do really well. I set my alarm a little earlier, choose a devotional, and start my morning with Jesus. I carry around a Bible Study and during lunch I choose to do that instead of watching FRIENDS for the millionth time. And for the first fifteen days of the year, every year, I can confidently tell you that I accomplish that first resolution.But something happens on the 16th day.I hit the snooze button.I run late.I had a bad day and just want to watch something I don’t have to think about.I don‘t feel well.I have plans.I have a million other things to do.The list of excuses can go on and on.But here’s the thing- Jesus doesn’t want us to make Him a resolution, He wants us to relentlessly pursue Him.Pursue Him with our actions.Pursue Him with our intentions.Pursue Him with our hearts.Pursue Him with our thoughts.Pursue Him with our words.Pursue Him within our relationships with others.Pursue Him every second, every minute, every hour of every single day.See, putting Jesus on a resolution list is almost like saying He is just something to check off and be done with, but He is so much more than that. He wants a relationship with you.So as we end 2018, as we sit down to write out the changes we want to make for a better 2019, I want to challenge you, instead of putting “spend time with Jesus” on your list, add ways you can be intentional about relentlessly pursuing Him instead.Because here is the ultimate truth, sweet friend:He leaves the 99 and relentlessly pursues after you- every single time.

About the Author

Janine Carattini

Janine is a twenty-something relentless pursuer of Jesus and the life that He has for her. She is passionate about encouraging and equipping others to intentionally, relentlessly pursue Jesus all day, every day.Janine lives in Southern California when she’s not visiting family and friends all over the United States. In her free time, she loves to read a good book, listen to all the Jesus podcasts, write, and of course watch all the Hallmark movies.You can find her on Instagram here and get encouraged and equipped in your Relentless Pursuit of Jesus here


Daily Delight


Daily Delight