Daily Delight

Sometimes I feel so all alone

The days are short, the nights drag on


I toss and turn and wonder why

Sleep won't come, I can't close my eyes

I hear the voices inside my head

Replay my day, "if you'd only said..."

I look at the clock it's 3:00 am

Three hours left until I'm up again.

And then a thought comes to my heart,

“Talk to God, He's right where you are.”

He hears me cry when days are rough

And whispers; "Girl you are enough!"

That's right, I say; "I belong to You

The King of Kings will see me through

My Rock, my Fortress, my Mighty Shield.”

I raise my arms and begin to kneel.


Thank you Lord, for reminding me

That You alone have set me free

I will walk by faith, no more by sight,

For You my Lord are my Shining Light

My doubts, my fears - You break every chain

I will cling to You, the God of all my days.

I love God's Word and how He moves in our hearts. Today, know this sweet friend: You are not alone. No matter what you are going through or facing, you have a God that loves you and will fight for you. (Exodus 14:14)

Can we pray for you today?

About the Author

Heather Koppe

Heather is a 44-year-old brown eyed girl, who is in the pursuit of being an overcomer as she clings to God’s promises. All the while  sharing her stories.Heather is a West Virginia girl, now residing in Matthews, NC with her husband Clint, their two daughters and four cats. She recently started a blog and has spoken on a few occasions at women’s Bible studies sharing her real life struggles and the unwavering love of Jesus. She is passionate about the written word and hopes to encourage those around her daily.  She also works in Property Management.In her rare, but free time you will find her with a book in her purse, and pen and paper in hand. She is living her best life, a kingdom girl, embarking on new adventures with her family...watching movies, and taking way too many pictures. After a long, hard day - you will find her with ice cream and a bath bomb.You can find her on Instagram here. Be sure to join the Daughter of Delight family and check out Heather’s blog, Fearlessly Hopeful, here. 


ESV Illuminated Bible


Daily Delight