Daily Delight

I look at the line I’m standing over. My left foot supported on solid, unshakable ground. My right foot on the unreliable, ever-shifting sand of the world. I am straddling the middle.


For too long, my right foot has been lingering in the world. Lingering because I am afraid of missing out. Remaining there out of fear and focused on too many what ifs.


Verging on the point of boiling, of stepping completely into the fullness of God, but again fear creeps into my heart and I put my right foot back down. I am lukewarm to an extravagant Father who has a never ending love for me. Lukewarm to a mighty God that wants to lift me into abundant, higher places. He is calling me. I reach my hand for Him, yet look back over my shoulder.


This wonderful God will never be lukewarm towards me though. He wants my whole heart, my trust and my sincere praise. In return, He lavishes grace upon grace, immeasurable love and a future much more amazing than anything the world offers. He is greater than a world that promises fulfillment only to deliver hopelessness and heartbreak instead. A world that grooms my heart to compare myself, leaving me defenseless in the middle of a battle for worthiness.


I turn towards God, I pick up my feet and run to Him.


God, You have my heart. I am so sorry for remaining in this place. Forgive me for looking back in fear and selfishness. You are my foundation. You are my strength, my source of hope and Your Love is what I seek. I want to live my life worthy of Your calling.


Sister, are you standing on this line?


God is calling you. Turn and run to the brightness of His love, His grace and the promise of a future only He can give! Look no further to the emptiness of the world. Do not let fear be your guide. Let God’s word and extravagant love light your way. Move yourself from this place of lukewarm and step into the fullness of our Father. Do not look back, but forward to your beautiful future with Him.

About the Author

Rebecca Wager

Rebecca is almost 40, loving and living in sunny Arizona. She is married to her best friend Chris and together they have their rainbow baby (now toddler) Charlotte. In addition to chasing her sweet daughter around, she enjoys time with family, pretending she’s on The Great British Baking Show and being outdoors.

She loves diving deeper into religious studies, writing, getting happily lost in a book and can’t get through the day without a large amount of espresso.

Rebecca is passionate about Jesus, reminding women of their worthiness in Christ and desires to see women thrive in their God dreams. You can connect with her on Instagram here and follow along with her blog, For the Worthy Mom, here


Daily Delight


Daily Delight