Daily Delight

Most of us would never dream of entering a friend’s home uninvited and then go so far as trying on their clothing and wearing it out in public. Like, what?! The very thought of such an endeavor sounds absolutely crazy! We automatically recognize this action as a betrayal of someone’s trust and privacy. But isn’t this scenario essentially what we do when we gossip or judge others?


Whenever we pass judgement or gossip, we are taking something—usually someone’s experience that isn’t ours—and using it inappropriately or for our own benefit. That’s when we bring harm to that person and to ourselves.


James 1:26 states, “If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless” (ESV).  These words are like a knife to the heart, but we need to let them resonate.


It it is impossible to glorify God and talk badly about others at the same time.


If we are to become women of great virtue, we must work to overcome a sin that we so easily fall prey to. We must stop justifying our gossip. We must not claim that we're just sharing, venting or processing. We must not convince ourselves that we know what is best for that person, when all we’re really doing is judging them. Instead, we must examine our intentions and use discretion.


Before we speak about others, we must prayerfully discern if what we want to say is charitable or even necessary.


"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." -Ephesians 4:29 (ESV)

If we do not speak of others in love, if we are not building them up, then we are robbing ourselves and others of opportunities to encounter and receive God's grace.


Let's work to become women that build each other up, in our prayer and in our words to one another. Let's become women whose words work only to bring God glory!

About the Author

Hannah Aulbach

Hannah is a 21-year-old college student from St. Louis, MO, currently finishing up her undergrad in Child & Family Development at Missouri State University. She has worked to keep Christ at the forefront during her college experience, and she hopes to inspire other young women to join her on a Christ-driven journey.

Hannah loves serving the Lord through mission work, and she has spent the past two summers as a local missionary sharing the Gospel with children and teens in the St. Louis area. When she isn’t catching up on projects for school, Hannah can be found on Chick-Fil-A runs with friends, hiking new trails, jamming to her favorite praise & worship, working out, or working on a new painting project.



Daughter Dilemmas


Daily Delight