Daily Delight
The sweet words of Matthew 6:33 graced my phone screen while I was skimming through the Bible app a few days ago. Immediately, I knew this was a challenge and reminder my heart needed.It's a challenge because, as a human with an earthly flesh, it's easy to seek worldly pleasures, wants and desires first. I often get more caught up in what I want the day to provide for me than what I can give to the day and the people I will encounter in it.In seeking the Kingdom of God, our relationships with His people are just as important to Him. By committing to others, sharing life with them, celebrating and spreading the good news, we are already living like citizens of Heaven.Living righteously falls right in line with the last part. If I want to spread His goodness, I want to make sure I give others a reason to believe I'm worth listening to. If I am not trying to live a life that models Christ, then there is no need in anyone paying attention to me. I would be spreading confusion and chaos if I spoke one way and lived another.But don't let yourself fall under pressure; this is where we can all take a deep breath and insert the beauty of God's grace.Because of my earthly flesh, I sometimes don't live like Christ. And believe it or not, the word righteous doesn't always sync up with my name. Thankfully, righteousness does sync up with Jesus. He can redeem and restore any broken way of living we have. In fact, it's often in our broken places and failures that people see the grace-filled way He offers and then begin to follow in His footsteps.The reminder Matthew 6:33 gave me is a truth bomb we should reflect on often: There is NO other source of satisfaction but Jesus. He gives us everything we need!Let us honor His preaching and hold tight to His promises. Let's throw worry to the wayside. When we meet with Him, our needs will be met. His word is a lamp that will light our way.There is truly noone like our God.
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