Daily Delight

I looked out our back window and there growing through the wet ground were those old yellow daffodils.It was almost like they were shoving themselves through the dirt, rocks and leaves to get to their point of blooming. They have endured the many storms North Carolina has had in the last several months. We have lived in this house for 18 years now and these daffodils always find a way to bloom. Every year, without fail, they return. They bring so many things to my heart and mind. It's funny how a flower that God created can provide a girl with so many life lessons. I look at their beauty, each one different and am reminded of a quote:

"Flowers don't compete with the one next to them, they just bloom."

I'm done competing with others. Our stories are our own. Every chapter different in it's own way. My blooms will not be like yours. God has designed us all different, just like the stars in the sky.It amazes me how God could love someone like me. There have been times I have strayed away completely out of His will. I have made poor choices and sinful decisions. Yet, Christ never stopped loving me. Have you been there? Or maybe you are there now?I look back on my life and these past several months and I am so thankful to God for the failures and the victories. The messes that I thought would never get cleaned up, did, and the busyness of this sometimes chaotic life that I love has taught me the importance of resting in our Savior's arms. I am a work in progress. I have overcome, but not completely. I still have a ways to go, but with every bend in the road I look and see the majesty and handiwork of God the Father. Those daffodils remind of this.The song Not Home Yet by Steven Curtis Chapman plays in my head:"He said, I go prepare a place for you, so let us not forget, we are not home yet...keep on looking ahead, let your heart not forget, we are not home yet."Look out your window and tell me what you see.There is a reminder of God right there. You see it, don't you?  

About the Author

Heather Koppe

Heather is a 44-year-old brown eyed girl, who is in the pursuit of being an overcomer as she clings to God’s promises. All the while  sharing her stories.Heather is a West Virginia girl, now residing in Matthews, NC with her husband Clint, their two daughters and four cats. She recently started a blog and has spoken on a few occasions at women’s Bible studies sharing her real life struggles and the unwavering love of Jesus. She is passionate about the written word and hopes to encourage those around her daily.  She also works in Property Management.In her rare, but free time you will find her with a book in her purse, and pen and paper in hand. She is living her best life, a kingdom girl, embarking on new adventures with her family...watching movies, and taking way too many pictures. After a long, hard day - you will find her with ice cream and a bath bomb.You can find her on Instagram here. Be sure to join the Daughter of Delight family and check out Heather’s blog, Fearlessly Hopeful, here.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight