Daily Delight

As I write this, I am traveling Israel and visiting the very places that Jesus walked! The pastor also on this trip just challenged my group to make sure we are living gospel-centered lives rather than self-centered lives. He encouraged us to always be mindful of the One who is to be the center in our lives. He made the point that we live life with ourselves in the center rather than living life with God fully in the center. As soon as the words left his mouth, I realized how true this can be in my own life.Our first few days in Israel were rainy and not at all what I was expecting weather-wise. We were going quickly from place to place and I was frustrated that I couldn’t spend more time in each place. I felt rushed. When we got back to the hotel, I began to journal about our trip so far. As my pen met the paper, I started to realize that I was doing the very same thing the pastor spoke on. I was making the trip about me and my experience rather than about what God wants me to experience here!As my perspective started to shift, I found myself determined to refocus and take on a gospel-centered heart. After I made this decision, I began to experience the trip in a whole new light. I started to see the beauty and awe all around me here. It is not always easy to change our perspective so easily in this life, but if we seek God in prayer and work on refocusing our hearts on Him, we will certainly start to see a change.I hope you will think about this and look for ways to live a gospel-centered life each day. Today, I am praying the words of Romans 8:5 over us all. May we saturate our hearts with this beautiful truth and be transformed by it!

Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.” - Romans 8:5 (NIV)

About the Author

Courtney Wilson

Courtney Wilson is a 27-year-old author, blogger and marketing strategist living in Birmingham, Alabama. She is the founder of The Trailblazer Journals, a community for women to become trailblazers for God. Courtney is passionate about leading leaders, developing dreams in our generation and helping others live out their God-given purpose. She hopes to make a difference in other’s lives for God’s Kingdom globally and through the local church. In her spare time, she loves traveling, eating good food and hanging out with friends.You can connect with her on Instagram here and find her blog, The Trail Blazer journals, here. 


Daily Delight


Daily Delight