Daily Delight
In Exodus 34:6-7, the Lord gives us a rich definition and proclamation of who He is. We see that the Lord is compassionate. He cares about His image bearers. (Psalm 103:13) He is gracious. Though we are not worthy, He still shows us His grace and favor. The Lord is slow to anger. He exercises a great deal of patience to those who would otherwise deserve His wrath. When He acts in anger, He is righteous and just. He is abounding in loving kindness and truth. (2 Timothy 2:13) He keeps His loving kindness to thousands. The Lord keeps His covenant grace and love from generation to generation. (Psalm 136:1-4)It is in these very verses that we see how the Lord forgives. God lifts away the heavy burden of our sins, iniquities and transgressions and He forgives delightfully. He doesn’t forgive us because we are the center of His universe, but rather because grace is central to His universe. Grace brings God glory. (Psalm 103:3) God does not leave the guilty unpunished. Sin must be paid for. Either the person will pay for it with eternal condemnation or Christ paid for it on the cross. God’s justice is as certain and inescapable as any of His other attributes. (Isaiah 11:1-5)While this list doesn’t even begin to exhaust the limitless attributes of our infinite God, we should respond with reverential awe. (Ex 34:8-9) Our hearts should pour fourth with worship, praise and adoration for our great, covenant keeping God. (Phil 2:10-11, Matt 13:33)Take heart, sweet Christian sister. You can have confidence, like Moses, because our God is compassionate, patient, slow to anger and faithful!
About the Author
Caroline Medlin