Daily Delight

As preparation for today's devotional, please grab your Bible and open up to Hebrews 11.The author of Hebrews illustrates the definition of faith we read in verse 1 through the lives of several individuals all throughout the chapter.First, we see that a Christian lives in light of the Word of God. We see this when Noah builds an ark in the desert (v 7), when Abraham "went out not knowing where he was going" (v 8) and with the story of Sarah (v 11). By faith, they were able to see the promises of God come to fruition!Second, Christians should live for heaven as people of faith and desire a heavenly city. In verse 26, Moses considers Christ greater than the treasures of Egypt. We should seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. As Christians, we can live with boldness because we know that eternity is promised!Third, Christians should rejoice in their suffering rather than take pleasure in sinful desires. Take a look at verse 25: "choosing rather to be mistreated with the people of God than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin." Jesus tells us that if we are a child of His, we will surely suffer. Christ wore a crown of thorns and died on a cross! You are not alone in your suffering.Finally, God's redemption shows up radical, and sometimes exciting ways. Read verses 29-35. With the Lord, the unthinkable happens: He redeems the least likely people, the walls of Jericho crumble and He chooses the most unlikely prophets to be foreshadows of Christ. However, some of His people may continue to suffer. But there is hope.If we truly believe the Gospel we are preaching, the worst thing that can happen to us is that we die. And if we are believers when we die, we get to spend eternity with Jesus.Live in light of God's Word. Cling to Christ. Press on in your sanctification. Christians can live with boldness, freely loving others and sharing the Gospel because they know that eternity with Jesus lies at the end of this life.

About the Author

Caroline Medlin

Caroline is a 22 year old who is currently wrapping up her undergrad degree in Public Relations and Graphic Design.  Originally from Atlanta, GA, she currently lives in a suburb of Nashville, Tennessee. She firmly believes that we grow by beholding the glory of Jesus through studying His Word and is deeply passionate about seeing women grow deeper in their love for the Lord by teaching them to grow deeper in their knowledge of God.
Caroline loves intentional conversations, studying theology, being barefoot and anything on the water. In her free time you can find her with watercolors, an old book or hiking mountains with her Australian Shepherd, Jack, fondly named after Laura Ingall Wilder's dog.
Ephesians 2:13  and Isaiah 53:5 have become two verses she goes back to often in he walk with the Lord. They sum up the beauty of the Gospel and is a faithful reminder of who I am in Christ because of the cross! Isaiah 53:5, "But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed." Ephesians 2:13, "But now in Christ Jesus you who were once far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ."
You can find her on Instagram here and check out her blog, The Grace Scripts here.



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Daily Delight