Daily Delight

What are the desires of your heart?I know that I have quite a few. I’ve been on a journey in pursuit of a few of these – one that’s strengthened my faith in the incredible God that I get to call my Father. But here’s the funny thing: the strength hasn’t come from receiving every desire of my heart instantaneously. It’s come from not having received them – yet.Does this sound crazy? It would have confused me a few months ago. I’ve spent so much of this last season listening for God’s voice while battling fears, doubts, and setbacks that threatened to steer me off course. I’ve spent what’s felt like ages waiting…and waiting…to see my hopes realized. It’s been messy, chaotic, and really hard. During this time, though, God’s been refining my character in ways that I’ve never experienced before. He’s been nurturing my heart, showing me who I am in Him. He’s brought us closer in relationship, drawing me so near that His presence has become essential to my life. He’s grown me in maturity, confidence, and soundness of mind.All of this to show me that He is the real gift.I think I finally understand what the Lord has been so gently revealing to me: a life with Him is better than anything else my heart could ever desire., His love is a greater satisfaction than any other prize, and if I were to receive all the world but be without Him, I would have nothing at all.The Lord has me right where He wants me, and that’s with Him. Slowly, but certainly, that has become my heart’s greatest desire. I’m still hoping in His promises for my life, but my joy doesn’t lie in the destination. It lies, now, in this:“You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13, ESV).

About the Author

Sierra Okoniewski

Sierra is a spunky, 22-year-old Michigander who is saved by Jesus Christ every single day. A college student with a culinary degree under her belt, she loves to whip up pies and brunch for hungry friends...sometimes in that order.
Sierra lives in Romeo, Michigan with her parents, three sweet siblings, and their spazzy Australian Shepherd puppy, Pepper. Her calling is to write about the work that The Father is doing in her heart while she grows as His daughter.
You can often find Sierra karaoke-dancing in the kitchen, lavender latte in hand. If she's not there, she's probably out backpacking...but she promises to return shortly, armed with bear hugs and big-mountain stories.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight