Daily Delight

 Psalm 37:4 (pictured above) tends to be misused in our society when it comes to the idea of our opportunity for worldly success and gain.This is not a verse that presents God as a genie and if you simply praise Him, He will give you your deepest desires. Instead, when we delight in the Lord or choose the Lord’s ways over our own, He will give us the desires of our hearts because our desires will become in alignment with His.This is a heart posture, not some sort of agreement for success in our worldly circumstances.We are learning to surrender our worldly desires and worldly dreams that are hustled after and labeled as freedom and we are choosing His desires as our own.When we learn to fully trust Him with the life He has given us, we begin to desire for our life to be used for so much more than our own glory. We recognize that our Father, who created us intentionally and intricately, has desires for us beyond worldly understanding.Take complete delight in Him, sister. What He has in store for you, through every valley and every mountain, brings you closer to who you are in Him.

About the Author

Shelbey Kendall

Shelbey is a 29 year-old, small town Kansas girl relentlessly pursuing the God-given purpose placed within her heart. She is a writer finishing up her first book, an entrepreneur in wellness and a seeker of opportunity to boldly share God’s love and truth. She believes passionately that when women come together in their God given giftings and rise up in community instead of comparing and dividing among each other, His Kingdom is further built upon and His love is better spread among people who desperately need it.

She is married to her biggest supporter, Justin, and together they have 3 young children. She enjoys going for runs with songs of truth blasting in her ears, supporting her local



Daily Delight


Daily Delight