Daily Delight

Sometimes we reflect the Israelites as they wandered. We moan and groan, which leads us down paths we deem easier and what everyone else is doing. These steps cause us to twist God’s Word to where it does not even look like His words. Rather, it looks like something your best friend said in the fifth grade. We cannot do biblical mom-ing or wife-ing in this way. The complaints of not going to the bathroom alone, griping about the latest tantrum, or sharing competing stories of whose husband left what out for X months reflects not Jesus, but all those “woman” books that yell at us to “Do more! Your life isn’t enough!” This is not Truth. This is not God’s light. It is a man-made, dimly lit bulb.Trust God.Trust the words of Psalm 127. The diligent labor of raising children is part of the meaningful work God has given to us. Believe the words that your children - ultimately His children - are a reward from Him. If we become bent over the hard labor, tangle God’s Words with those who do “not bring [His] teaching” then those within our home will not see us as God does and we will be guilty in participating in opposition of the Gospel (2 John 1:10, ESV). To live out the blessing of children walking in Truth, we as caregivers must walk in Truth. To know this full-of-grace and truthful life, we must trust God and the works He gives us. If you are unsure what to do, start at the beginning - Love Jesus, Love Others. If you are confused on what that means, your first step is to admit you can no longer do life alone. Believe He was sent here to forgive you the way He did for me and so many others, and then take steps that lead you towards His ways and not the ways of all the advice you have been given that contradict with each turn. His way is clear, cleansing, and never fails.

About the Author

Jennifer Jahn

Jennifer is an almost-39-year-old born and raised in Southern California girl. The low 70's are too cold for her and the high 90's are too hot! She is the wife to a pastor and mom to four. The family is a home school family and just recently officially adopted their 18-month-old son. They live in Hesperia, CA surrounded by an awesome church community, lots of dirt, and two goats - Espi and Peter.

Jennifer has a heart for young ladies to know they are fully loved and delighted in by their Father God. She yearns for all wives and moms to know how valued they are at "just" being a wife and/or mom. She wants fellow sisters-in-Christ to know their first ministry is always the ministry of the home.
Her favorite things to do are siesta time (mandatory in their home), reading, writing, and planning get-togethers that revolve around food. She loves to skip the small talk and ask the big questions over dark-roasted coffee. Every morning, Jennifer prays a prayer of thanksgiving for His grace and mercy and to do better each day pouring out the same upon her home.

Daily Delight


Daughter Dilemmas