Daily Delight

 Have you ever questioned whether God could use you?We hear all the time that we have been created with purpose and intention. As people who seek Jesus, one of the things we desire is to be used for His Kingdom. But do you ever look at yourself and think, “I’m too broken”, “I’m too messy”, or “There are so many people out there who are so much more qualified than I am”?I’ve been there too.I love the story of Rahab in the book of Joshua. Rahab was a woman who worked as a prostitute. She was living in Jericho when two men from Israel came to see the land that God was going to give to them. The king of Jericho was after these men, and Rahab agreed to hide them, saying, “I know that the Lord has given you the land, and that the fear of you has fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land melt away before you” (Joshua 2:9, ESV). In return, the men promised to spare Rahab and her loved ones when they took Jericho.I can only imagine how terrified Rahab must have been. She would have known that if the king found out that she was hiding the Israelites, it would have been the end for her. But God had a purpose for this daughter of His. It made no difference how broken she was, or what her circumstances looked like – He had a unique plan for her life.The Israelites did end up taking Jericho. And Rahab? She married, gave birth to Boaz, and from this line eventually came Jesus.Rahab was not a great religious scholar or a woman with any qualifications. She was, however, “His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand” (Ephesians 2:10, ESV), just like you and I. She was simply willing to say “yes” to God.God is in the business of using the least likely, and He has a purpose for each of us. Let that sink in for a second. He created you to be used by Him!Are you ready to say “yes” to Him today?

About the Author

Laura D'Amico

Laura is a 23-year-old Canadian woman who is determined to ride God’s beautiful wave wherever it takes her.

Laura lives in Ottawa, Ontario, where she is pursuing her Master’s degree in Counselling & Spirituality. She feels called to serve by helping the voiceless to find voices, particularly in her work with youth experiencing homelessness. She is also passionate about music (especially leading worship), ministry with children & youth, writing, speaking, missions, travel, her loved ones, and probably drinking too much black coffee for her own good! She loves her Creator most of all.

You can find Laura at her blog The Way Everlasting (thewayeverlasting.blog), or on Instagram at @laura.lives.life.



Daily Delight


Daily Delight