Daily Delight

 Comparison and competitiveness unfortunately thrives amongst women in our culture, and we aren’t exempt from it in the Bride! Striving for perfection, straining to be the best, looking to the left and right and comparing ourselves with others journeys, calls, successes and identities and left feeling short or failing when we do. It is not a healthy mindset to have, but this comparison game has a huge grip and stronghold amongst women in so many areas of our lives - beauty, marriage, careers, motherhood, ministry and more.So how do we combat it and demolish the power over us of such a vicious tool that the enemy uses to divide those who should be a strengthened sisterhood, but instead become competitive comparators? We must begin within. We must check our hearts and ask the Lord to shine His revelation light deep within our souls to illuminate any darkness that may be hiding our insecurities, woundedness, jealousy, bitterness, unforgiveness. When we surrender to Him our eyes are turned to the One true focus, and everything else diminishes in contrast.We know we are truly set free from the grip of comparison when we can sincerely say ‘Bless her, Lord!’ When we can honestly celebrate her victories and successes in life, when we can have genuine joy for her accomplishments and achievements, we know we have true humility and a pure heart.Within the Bride, there aren’t winners and losers. There aren’t betters, and bests - there’s just One winner, One victor, One ultimate best and that is God himself. Because when she wins HE wins! When she thrives, HE gets the glory! We are all in this family and Body together, and my success is her success, her win is my win, because we are all on the greatest team ever, and we are all playing for the ultimate victory prize: “I run with passion…so that I may reach the purpose that Jesus Christ has called me to fulfill and wants me to discover…I run straight for the divine invitation of reaching the heavenly goal and gaining the victory prize. So let all who are fully mature have this same passion…” (Phil 3:12-16 TPT) 

About the Author

Natalie Fuller

Natalie is a mother of three (with a fourth on the way!) from Sydney, Australia who is passionate about encouraging, empowering and equipping women to discover and fulflil their God-given purpose and destiny.
With a background in counseling and psychology, as well as church planting and pastoring alongside her husband of 14 years, Nat is a passionate writer, speaker and preacher who loves to use her real life struggles, experiences and vulnerabilities to inspire and strengthen women in areas such as identity and security, healing and wholeness, freedom and intimacy with Jesus.
Nat loves anything to do with food! Cooking, wining and dining, traveling, but mostly opening her home and hosting dinner parties, casual gatherings and hosting events both big and small.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight