Daily Delight

God stopped me in my tracks earlier this week with an uncomfortable truth.Everything I have put before Him recently is an idol, everything I cannot stop thinking about as of lately is an idol, and many of the things I love with all my heart are also idols.It hit me like a ton of bricks and I found myself playing the victim: "Father, what are you talking about? I am clean in this area!" His response? "Why would I place these things on your heart if you were truly clean, Daughter?" Friday night, I was reading the day three portion of my current devotional. The first question was, "What gives you joy?" I made a list of all the things that I consider to be fulfilling. As I continued to read, the devotional challenged me to "let go and fast" the things that were on my list.It really convicted me and opened my eyes to the uncomfortable truth that I have allowed people and things to replace the priority of my Heavenly Father. God nudged me into accepting the challenge to fast from the things on my list for a month. I need to focus on setting healthy boundaries with people and reducing my love for certain things so that I can find myself in a spiritually healthier place.Ladies, what are the things and/or who are the people that are absorbing your heart and imagination more than God? Anyone or anything that you feel as if you "cannot live without" or you "must have" constitutes idolatry.Today, I challenge you to make the same list I did. Sit in the presence of God and allow the Holy Spirit to convict you in ways your hungry heart needs. Then, repent and let go of such things. Choose to let God be enough; to let Him take His rightful place. He is truly all you need. 

About the Author

Mukanga Chola

Mukanga is twenty-five years old and lives in Zambia. She recently graduated from medical school and holds a deep love in her heart for Christ.In her free time, Mukanga enjoys reading books, writing, listening to music, hanging out with friends, cooking, eating, and watching television. She also likes very clean and organized environments.You can find her blog here, her Instagram here, and her Twitter here


Daily Delight


Daily Delight