Daily Delight
There is such a natural ease and flow when we truly rest in our God-given identity and allow Him to grow us into the beautiful unique blossom that each of us are. We naturally flourish when we look to Him for our identity, security, our call, purpose rather than striving so hard to be someone we’re not, or to portray a certain image.Striving is hard work! It’s tiring, exhausting, debilitating. And it steals from you. It steals your joy, your peace, your confidence, your security and ultimately, your call and destiny. Don’t do it to yourself! You are worth so much more than trying to be something or someone you’re not. It only leaves us defeated and empty on the inside. When we can let go of the comparison or desire we hold onto so tightly, we will naturally thrive into our true selves; the fulfillment of our individual God-design.Is there something you need to let go of in order to stop striving and start thriving? An expectation you place on yourself? An idea of success? A level of perfection? An image or reputation? A ‘competitor’? Perhaps it is a perception of yourself, your life, your home, or your family you have created that is costing you your peace and freedom to maintain. Let it go. Rewrite your story now and you will fall carelessly and weightlessly into the freedom you are created to be living in. No expectations. No comparison. No unhealthy motivation. Freedom. Peace. Joy. LIFE...and life in abundance!And it’s when you’ve experienced this soul-peace, this life-giving freedom, that you will truly begin to embrace your God-given identity, your unique giftings, your God-ordained purpose, your firey passion for life...and you will THRIVE! You will naturally, easily flourish into the beautiful wildflower that you are!
“I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect- life in its fullness until you overflow!” -John 10:10 (TPT)
About the Author
Natalie Fuller