Daily Delight

I have a confession to make. There are many days that I want to live life secluded and isolated. On those days, I want nothing more than to fly under the radar, hoping not to run into anyone I know when I’m out and about running errands or dropping my kids off at school. It’s not that I don’t love connecting with friends, family, neighbors, or acquaintances, because I do. I find, however, that this connection comes only when I feel at my best and I have life ‘put together.’ The reality is nobody has life fully put together. Each one of us is carrying hurt and heartaches - some deep and lasting, others new and fresh. On one particularly hard morning, I woke early to read my Bible. The text for that day was by 1 Timothy:

This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” -1 Timothy 2: 3-4 (NIV)

In the devotional that followed, it shared the truth that I might be “the only Jesus someone see’s that day” (Thrive Bible). This sentence stopped me in my tracks, causing me to pause. For the first time I realized the importance of showing up regardless of how much I am hurting. When I show up and share with others my hurting heart, I’m allowing them to see a bit of Jesus. You see, in my conversation I will explain that even though my heart is anxious and I feel overwhelmed by the sheer pace of life, I also have an amazing Heavenly Father whom I can surrender my worries and anxieties over to, while also finding refuge in His loving arms. It is through my faith and the truth that I hold tightly that I can proclaim that today’s hurts are not lasting. Sister, as you go through your day today, remember that regardless of how you are feeling, you too can show up and proclaim to others that we serve a good, good Father; that His love is not just for you and I, but for an entire hurting world.

About the Author

Angie Nippert

Angie is a 40-something-year-old who is passionately pursuing a second calling where she speaks, writes, and coaches women on simplifying, nourishing, and rejuvenating their weary and exhausted soul, with biblical truth as the foundation.This passion and calling comes from a place of “been there, done that.” For over a decade, Angie lived exhausted and stressed as a result of living life off-balance. With God’s grace and Angie’s obedience to keeping God and His truths in the center of her life, she is now thriving.Angie lives in Minn-snow-ta with her husband of fifteen years and her three beautiful children.In her spare time, Angie enjoys dating her husband, decorating, spending her summer’s “Up North,” and being present and engaged with her always growing children.You can find her website here, Instagram here and Facebook here.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight