Daily Delight

Here’s the one thing I crave from God, the one thing I seek above all else: I want the privilege of living with him, every moment in his house, finding the sweet loveliness of his face, filled with awe, delighting in his glory and grace. I want to live my life so close to him that he takes pleasure in my every prayer.” -Psalm 27:4 (TPT)

In this life with so many troubles, pain, burdens, busyness, relationships, trials and tribulations, God is calling us higher. He is calling us to a place that is high above it all. Not just to find shelter in His strength from the realities of this world, but for a deeper purpose…intimacy. Just like King David, our hearts should have an ultimate pursuit, a single desire above all else…to know Him, to see Him, to discover His presence and to learn to live from that place of intimacy.He calls us higher because when we pursue Him for His heart and face and presence above all else, He is moved by our faith, love, hunger and worship. He longs for us to seek Him for Him. He longs for His beautiful daughter and His radiant bride to come and just be with Him. Bask in His presence. Get to know Him as we would any lover we are in a relationship with. Intimacy is key, in fact, ultimate. He will begin to reveal Himself to us more and more as He finds us pursuing His presence and desiring for nothing more than to just be with Him.As we do this we develop a lifestyle like that of David. We don’t just visit the throne room of heaven, we live there. We live there because we are one with the King. We are His, we are in deep relationship with Him and beautiful intimacy. He calls us His own because He knows us, and we know Him.I encourage you to lift your eyes off your earthly circumstances, and lift you head, hands and heart to Him. Accept His heavenly invitation and ascend higher! Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise and develop a lifestyle of intimacy as you live from the throne room of heaven, in the presence of your perfect Lover. 

About the Author

Natalie Fuller

Natalie is a mother of three (with a fourth on the way!) from Sydney, Australia who is passionate about encouraging, empowering and equipping women to discover and fulfill their God-given purpose and destiny.
With a background in counseling and psychology, as well as church planting and pastoring alongside her husband of 14 years, Nat is a passionate writer, speaker and preacher who loves to use her real life struggles, experiences and vulnerabilities to inspire and strengthen women in areas such as identity and security, healing and wholeness, freedom and intimacy with Jesus.
Nat loves anything to do with food! Cooking, wining and dining, traveling, but mostly opening her home and hosting dinner parties, casual gatherings and hosting events both big and small.

Daily Delight


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