Daily Delight

Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.” -Psalm 62:1-2 (NIV)
I can’t imagine the countless times David was called out of his fear to do the things the Lord had called Him to. From war to ruling, to so much other terror, fear could have easily governed David’s life. But he didn’t allow it to. He called upon the Lord to be his strength, his fortress, and his hope.

Being brave in Christ has a lot to do with moving beyond ourselves and choosing the Truth over our flesh. It is moving into new seasons even when it hurts. It is choosing to love even when the world tells us to judge.
I have had to find a lot of bravery in Christ this week. There’s been a lot of change in the lives of my loved ones, and there have been things that I don’t agree with. Fear, hurt, and concern were loud in my ears, and judgement could have easily taken over. But in those moments, I felt God ask me to trust Him in this, trust Him that I was called to love and show the grace that was given so freely to me. The love I experienced from the Lord was beyond what I could have ever imagined. By finding strength in Him on a path I never wanted to take, I discovered so much more of His heart.
Sometimes it’s hard to find strength, bravery, and love. My dear sister, you are not alone in this journey! He is right there every step of the way. His presence brings light and strength that cannot be shaken. Allow His heart to be your rock, to be your bravery. For our hope is in what He has done for us, the freedom and love He has lavished upon us, learn to set your confidence in Him. 
{photo: @oliviapplegate
About the Author

Jess Palmer
Jess is a designer and innovator in Pretoria, South Africa. Her heart is to express the beauty of our Father’s heart through all forms of art, but mainly through her design, poetry and photography. She desires to invest in the lives of people around her — to journey with them in cultivating their God-given potential. If anywhere, you will find Jess musing in a coffee shop or wandering contemplatively in a garden.
Check out her design on Instagram: @salt.seed

Daily Delight


Daily Delight