Daily Delight

I love the story of King Hezekiah in the Old Testament. The young king was only twenty-five years old – the age of my sons – when he undertook a major reclamation of God’s temple. He opened the doors and repaired them. He assembled the priests and Levites in the temple square for the first time in years, and commanded them to do two things (2 Chronicles 29:3-5):

1. Consecrate themselves.
2. Consecrate the temple of the LORD. 

Generations of God’s people had turned away from His goodness, and toward objects of idol worship. As a result, God’s people were scattered. Many were taken into captivity by foreign rulers. The temple of God was defiled and Judah was left in ruins. It was a shameful sight.

But this is where my heart gets encouraged. Young Hezekiah, rather than grumbling, blaming, punishing or shaming, rolled up his kingly sleeves and got to work on a restoration plan. He reminds me of young friends in my city who have a heart for renewal and restoration, as well as revival in the hearts of God’s people. Their reclamation efforts are purposeful to make God’s name great.

Two couples have joined in a business venture to buy rundown properties, cleanse and restore them for families who will become neighbors. Recently a city church, whose congregants are mostly young professionals and students, pledged financial resources above the initial request with the goal of expanding their ministry to reclaim their city in the name of Jesus. And another young couple moved to a nearby village, which bears deep wounds of racial strife, with God-sized vision and compassionate hearts longing for reconciliation and restoration.

Calling all daughters of Father’s delight.
Come young daughters and bring your youthful passion to restore and energize your older sisters in the joy of the Lord. Come back, all daughters who have been scattered from God’s people due to distrust and disillusionment. Come together, all daughters of the King, let us taste and see that the Lord is good.

{photo: @zuleikajamilla}

About the Author
Lisa Brittain

Lisa Brittain and her husband, Randy, will soon be married 30 years. Together they are parents of two adult sons and share their home with three adopted pups. By day Lisa works as a receptionist at the local middle school. However, her mission is to reveal the important voice of each woman and teach her how to share her overcoming God stories

It is Lisa’s true passion for Jesus and introducing women to Him, which flows in and through and around all the open moments of her everyday life. Connect with Lisa on her blog here.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight