Daily Delight

All I wanted to do on my 21st birthday was walk the Golden Gate Bridge, not be a Vegas cliché. Because of the picturesque location, I curled my hair, did my makeup, and chose a cute outfit with brand new heeled boots.  
My parents asked if I was sure I wanted to walk the bridge in them and I replied, "Um yes! They go with my outfit!"  
About halfway in my feet started to hurt. By the time we made it across the 1.7 mile bridge, they were in excruciating pain- and we still had to walk all the way back to the car! This story came to mind as I started a new study. The speaker spoke verse after verse correlating believers and walking.  
We walk in the footsteps in the faith of our father Abraham. We walk in the newness of life. We walk not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. We walk by faith and not by sight. We walk in the good works that were foreordained for us. We walk in love as Christ loved us. We walk as children of the light. We walk in the truth. We walk in Him.  
And at the very end she said, "Beloved, it's a whole lot of walking". The audience chuckled, but I stopped for a moment. I had to. I remembered the pain of my walk across the bridge and I knew that sometimes our faith walk can be that way.  
We tend to put on a brave face, say everything is going great, our outward appearance exactly what others think a Christian should look like. But as we're walking, we have those moments where every single step can be painful.  
This faith journey is a lot of walking but I'm learning things along the way. Sometimes they're silly- like heels to walk a bridge isn't smart- but usually the lessons take me deeper with Jesus. 
As Paul reminds us in Hebrews 12:1-2, this life is a race that we need to run with endurance. Sometimes we're sprinting and sometimes we're walking. We try to look put together for every single season, but it's just not possible! Instead, let's be real. Trade our heels for comfy shoes, throw on a sweatshirt, yoga pants, and get ready for a lot of walking with Jesus. You ready? 
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Photo: @nhinton4

Daily Delight


Daily Delight