Daily Delight

In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus.At night when I lie down, give me Jesus.
As I go about my day and make plans for my life, when life is easy and when it is difficult, when options are few and when they are too many to count, please, give me Jesus.
Let this be the honest, desperate cry of our hearts.
When the choice is given between what we want and what God has, let our truthful prayer be, “Whatever gives me Jesus.”
When someone mistreats us and puts us down, rather than fighting back and speaking out let our first thought be, “What will bring me, and this person, closer to Jesus?”
It isn’t always easy, this decision to choose Jesus, but it is a choice that no one ever regrets. Because choosing Jesus brings indescribable peace. Choosing Jesus brings comfort, direction, and healing that nothing and no one else can. Choosing Jesus brings us one step closer to the One Who loves us unconditionally, Who fights for us emphatically, and Who encourages us passionately.
Living out of a desire to have more of Jesus gives life purpose and direction. When things feel like they’re falling apart, we can rest in the truth that we still have Jesus. When opinions are spoken and our worth is challenged we can find comfort and security in knowing that we belong to Jesus. 
He chose us first, we choose Him now. Jesus chose to come to earth and die for our sins, what better way to show our gratitude than to choose Him in return?
In frustration, in joy, in loss, and in gain, give me Jesus, give me Jesus, give me Jesus.
About the Author

Bethany Boynton
≫ ≫ Bethany is a twenty-three-year-old blogger, newlywed, and book addict living in central Kentucky. There are few things she loves more than having a strong cup of coffee with a good book or a group of girlfriends. Bethany strongly believes in the importance of vulnerability, authenticity, and sharing one's story of God's Love and Grace. To connect with her and learn more be sure to check out the Choosing Jesus Blog at BethanyBoynton.com.

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Daily Delight


Daily Delight