Daily Delight

Love Beyond Measure.

These three words came so softly into my heart that morning, I almost missed them. The very breath of Love calling to me like the coos of a dove softly calling to its mate. I had just sat down to spend some quiet time with the Lord in His Word, as this whisper of love awakened my heart. Awakened my ears to stop and listen. I chose to not brush it aside as I’d done so many times in the past. 

Sometimes I can have a tendency to hurry on to the next thing, but on this day I knew I wanted to hear more. In the quietness of that morning, I invited Jesus to speak to me, and He did. It was then that I realized a neediness in my heart for the reassurance of His love. His pure and all encompassing love. “My sheep hear my voice,” (John 10:27 KJV). Yes Lord, they do. These are the words that flooded my soul: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; with loving-kindness I have drawn you to Me,” (Jeremiah 31:3 LIV). “I led you (to Me) with...bands of love,” (Hosea 11:4 NIV). “I have poured out My love into your heart,” (Romans 5:5 NIV). “I formed you, I redeemed you; I summoned you by name; you are Mine,” (Isaiah 43:1 NIV). “No one will snatch you out of My hand,” (John 10:28 NIV). “Nothing will be able to separate you from the love of Christ,” (Romans 8:39 NIV). 

Oh such love! Love that died for me, for us. Love that forgave my sins, and won’t give up on me. 

Relentless, Unstoppable, Shepherding Love. 

Pursuing, Limitless, Boundless Love. 

Bondage Removing Love.

As the truths of God’s love washed through my soul and soaked into the crevices of my heart that morning, I experienced an indescribable peace and assurance. The voice of Love Himself, beckons us close and whispers to our hearts, “Arise my darling, my beautiful one, and come,” (Song 3:10 NIV). 

Lean in close, my sister, and listen to what the Lord would say, for He speaks peace to His people, (Psalm 85:8), and ‘Love Beyond Measure’. 

{photo: @elissagram

About the Authtor

Ann Marie Michael≫ ≫Ann is a woman with a passion for the Word of God and prayer. She writes openly and authentically from her own life's story of rejection, pain and divorce, and the ways God used these very things to draw her into a deeper and more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Ann continually points others to the Person of Jesus Christ, and to the Bible for their comfort, strength, guidance & healing. Ann also loves doing life with her three daughters, their husbands, her seven grandchildren and taking her German Shepherd dog, Loyal Heart, on daily hikes.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight