Daily Delight


"Don't sleepwalk through life." My tired eyes looked up from my empty glass to the father of the bride at a wedding reception I was attending. It had been a long weekend and I was zoning out, ready to go home. This father's piece of advice to his daughter on her wedding day pierced me like glass shattering on the floor. The half-hearted funny jokes he told after lifting his glass paled in comparison to this statement that he spoke with all-too-telling tears welling in his eyes. 

The Bible heeds us of the dangers of sleepwalking through life: "But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to...stand before the Son of Man" (Luke 21:36, ESV). Sometimes Satan's attacks against our faith are not loud and direct. Often, they are subtle and distractingly alluring, designed to slowly destroy God's work in us through things that look good, but are not. Almost as if quieted by a worldly lullaby, we can find ourselves taking the easier options and making choices that meet our desired limitations instead of God's expectations. 
Are you in a spiritual slumber? Has the routine of your relationship with God fallen quietly complacent, even comfortable? Spiritual sensitivity to God's presence keeps our hearts on alert to the schemes of the devil and open to the will of God. This awareness is gained through spending time with our King and actively reading and responding to His word. These actions lead us to be fully awake to the life we were designed for. 
Peter writes, "Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ" (1 Peter 1:13, ESV). 
We are called to live in manner that is ready for action– awake, aware, and alive. "For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life" (Romans 8:6, ESV). 
Today is the day to wake up and start truly living. Don't sleepwalk through your life.

{photo: @byhannahrose}

About the Authtor
Shelby Lung≫ ≫ Shelby is a Midwestern wife working as a photographer by day and blogger by night. She is the writer behind the abundant lifestyle blog, Soulfully Shea, where she posts about faith, wellness, and creativity. She never says no to breakfast for dinner, loves talking to people about their God-dreams, and is addicted to watching HGTV with her woodworker husband. With her background in psychology and biblical studies, she passionately works to encourage women to live well in body, mind, and spirit. You can read her blog at www.soulfullyshea.com

Daily Delight


Daily Delight