Daily Delight

The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us…” -John 1:14 (NIV)
My husband and I have removed the pumpkins in our yard and the fall leaves that filled it, replacing them with a large wooden nativity. Soon the tree will be standing, festive decorations will be moved in temporarily, and suddenly all will declare, “It’s Christmas!” Time marches steadily on whether I’m able to keep up or not. And in the midst I can find myself feeling a little empty. I wonder sometimes if Charlie Brown might be a distant relative. What’s Christmas really all about?” It’s time to remember THE answer I received many years ago. 
Just home from college, my grandparents were visiting. Every family member scrambled about the house trying to get somewhere. Suddenly, Grandpa Floyd spoke and asked everyone to sit down. We did exactly that. We rolled eyes and looked at watches, but out of respect for his elder place, we sat and listened. Maybe he wouldn’t take too long.
Grandpa opened his Bible and began to read as if he had never read these words before. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning” (John 1:1-2, NIV). Then he flipped all the way back to Genesis 1:26, and he read: “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness…’” Back to John 1: “The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.” 
Grandpa looked up and stated something neither he nor I had ever comprehended. Jesus wasn’t just a baby born at Christmas to come, do good works on the earth then leave to go live eternity in heaven like any regular man. Jesus has always dwelt with God and then He came to dwell with us. We’ve never been without Him dwelling among us. 
Grandpa’s words placed a giant missing puzzle piece into the mysterious picture of my faith. And Christmas has never been the same! I pray this Christmas season will be revelatory for you as you recognize the truth of Jesus, the Word Who always was, and is and always will dwell among you – at Christmas and always. 
{photo: @fromevelynsheart}  

About the Author
Lisa Brittain


Lisa Brittain and her husband, Randy, will soon be married 30 years. Together they are parents of two adult sons, and share their home with three adopted pups. By day Lisa works as a receptionist in the local middle school. However, her mission is to reveal the important voice of each woman and teach her how to share her overcoming God 
It is Lisa’s true passion for Jesus and introducing women to Him, which flows in and through and around all the open moments of her everyday life. 
Connect with Lisa on her blog here

Daily Delight


Daily Delight